FWD 2 American Botanical Council: The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs


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Bolded page numbers designate the herb chapter for the herb listed, or the monograph for the proprietary herbal product listed. For guidance on critical decision-making the reader is referred to the comprehensive information provided in the Monographs which are fully indexed. The Clinical Overview and Patient Information Sheet for each herb are indexed only under the scientific and common names for that herb because all material in these sections is discussed in further detail within the corresponding Monograph.


abdominal pain, 128, 139, 239, 264, 305, 373. see also gastrointestinal conditions

ABKIT, Inc., 405

abnormal sensations. see paresthesia

abrasions, 54, 57, 59, 90

absorption of drugs and nutrients, 147, 341, 367, 383

ABTS radicals, 29

Acanthopanax senticosus, 97–106

Access Business Group, 382

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, xv, xvi

acetaldehyde, 380

acetaminophen, 162, 170, 308

acetazolamide, 116

acetyl salicylic acid. see aspirin

acetylacteol, 17

acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 191

acetylcysteine, 389

acetylenic alcohols, 205

Achillea millefolium, 379

acne, 32, 64, 66, 67, 72, 381

Aconitum spp., 278, 383

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). see HIV

Actaea racemosa, 13–22, 410

actein, 17

activities of daily living (ADL), 189

activity levels influenced by eleuthero, 106

acute mountain sickness (AMS). see altitude sickness

adaptogens, 100, 101, 102, 105, 214, 215

ADAS-Cog score, 195

addiction potential, 113, 115

adenocarcinomas, mammary, 127

adenoma, prostatic, 114

adenomatous colorectal polyps, 161

adenosine, 157, 158, 231, 240

adeturone, 102

adhesions, bacterial, 77

adhesions, platelet, 168, 231. see also platelet aggregation

adipose tissue, 113, 115–116, 223

adrenoceptors, 239, 240, 313

adrenocorticotropic agents, 277

adverse effects, xviii, xxvii

            abdominal pain, 128, 140

            acne, 32, 66

            allergic reactions/hypersensitivity, 44, 55, 56, 160, 326

            alveolitis, 44

            anaphylaxis, 55, 56, 90, 252

            androgenization, 102

            anxiety, 340

            appetite reduction, 341

            asthma, 160

            bile obstruction, 264

            bleeding/hemorrhage, 160, 190, 217, 326

            breast tension/mastalgia, 66, 217

            breath odor, 160

            burning-mouth syndrome, 302

            circulatory complaints, 18, 32

            conjunctivitis, 55

            constipation, 32, 115

            contact sensitivity, oral, 302

            dermatitis/skin reactions, 44, 55, 66, 69, 71, 139, 160, 252

            diarrhea, 32, 78, 102, 140, 217, 295, 334

            diuresis, 340

            dizziness/vertigo, 18, 31, 190, 217

            driving impairment, 356

            dry mouth, 66

            dyspepsia, 69, 140, 356

            edema, 278

            emesis/vomiting, 18, 31, 55, 115, 140

            erectile/ejaculatory disturbances, 313, 317, 319

            erythema, 326

            erythrocytosis, 32

            estrogen-like effects, 217

            excitability, 356

            fatigue, 66

            flatulence, 140, 295

            gastric reflux, 251

            gastrointestinal complaints, 18, 22, 66, 71, 78, 190, 251, 295, 313, 317, 326, 332

            giddiness, 115

            hair loss, 66

            hairy baby syndrome, 102

            headaches, 18, 31, 66, 69, 71, 102, 115, 128, 190, 319, 340, 356

            heart irregularities, 66, 102, 115, 190, 278, 340

            hepatitis, 264, 265

            hepatotoxicity, 90, 264, 265

            hyperaldosteronism, 278

            hypertension, 115, 217, 278, 313, 340

            hyphema, 190

            hypokalemia, 278

            ichthyosis, scaly, 264

            icterus (jaundice), 264

            impaired judgment, 356

            impaired vision, 18

            insomnia/sleep disturbances, 102, 115, 217, 334, 340, 356

            irritability, 115, 217, 340

            itching/pruritus, 66, 251

            lichenoid reaction, 302

            lip swelling, 139

            liver dysfunction, 264, 265

            loose stools, 128

            lytic fever, 32

            melioidosis, 264

            menstrual disturbances, 66

            morning sleepiness, 356

            mucosal irritation, 44, 251, 340

            mydriasis, 217

            myoglobinuria, 278

            nausea, 18, 31, 66, 69, 115, 128, 140, 251, 313

            nephropathy/renal failure, 31, 252

            nervousness/agitation, 66, 115, 217, 340

            oral ulceration, 139, 302

            photosensitization, 326

            plasma cyclosporin reduction, 326

            platelet aggregation inhibition, 32

            potassium loss, 278

            pulmonary edema, 278

            respiratory arrest, 302

            rhinitis, 160

            sedative effects, 32

            seizures, 115

            skin odor, 160

            sodium retention, 278

            spinal epidural hematoma, 160

            strokes, 115

            tongue spasms, 302

            tongue swelling, 139

            tremors, 115, 340

            urinary tract infections, 313, 317

            urination disturbances, 115

            water retention, 278

            weakness, 115

            withdrawal symptoms, 356

adverse event reports (AERs), xviii, 111–112, 115, 262

Aegle marmelos, 383

aescin, 251

Aesculaforce®, 252, 255, 401

Aesculus hippocastanum, 247–258

AF Nutraceutical Group, Inc., 33, 405

affective (emotional) disorders. see also anxiety; depression; mood; well-being/quality of life

            agitation, 114, 115

            anger, 70

            approach-avoidance conflict, 355

            bright light therapy, 333

            daily stress, 270

            dysphoria, 71, 205

            emotional disturbances from dementia, 195

            irritability, 16, 18, 70, 71, 215, 354

                        as adverse effect, 115, 217, 340

            panicky states, 340

            restlessness, 71, 114, 115, 263, 270, 354, 361, 376

                        as adverse effect, 340

            seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 324, 327, 333

aflatoxin resistance, 216

Agathosma betulina, 76

aged garlic extract (AGE), 156, 162, 169, 170, 399

aging, 215, 224. see also elderly patients

agitation, 114, 115

Agnolyt®, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 398

agnuside, 64, 65

AHPA Safety Rating, xxviii

AIDS patients. see HIV patients

aji pepper, 42

ajoene, 157

akuammigine, 28

alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 264, 283, 289, 293, 294, 346, 378

albumin/globulin quotient, 294


            absorption, 380

            abuse, 381

            alcohol-induced disorders, 56, 216, 288, 290, 293, 294, 380

            blood-alcohol levels, 217, 364

            consumption, 265, 325

            interactions, 326, 356, 364

            intoxication, 265

aldosteronism, 278, 279, 283, 377, 378

Alena™, 148, 152, 399

alkaline drugs, 341

alkaline elution, 36

alkaline phosphatase, 152, 380

alkamides, 89

allergic alveolitis, 44

allergies. see hypersensitivity

allicin, 157, 158, 161

alliin, 157, 161

alliinase, 157

Allium sativum, 153–170

allspice, 383

Alluna™, 357, 363, 374, 403

allyl methyl trisulfide, 157, 158

Aloe ferox, xx

aloe vera, 409

alpha-amylase activity, 339

alpha blockers, 313

alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 146, 150, 151

alpha-reductase, 387

Alpinia galanga, 182

alprazolam, 265

Althaea officinalis, 276

altitude sickness, 101, 188, 191, 198. see also hypoxia

alveolar macrophages, 225

alveolitis, 44

Alyt®, 67, 70, 398

Alzheimer’s disease, 188, 191, 195. see also memory

Amanita mushroom poisoning, 288, 289, 290, 295

ambroxol, 389

American Association of Poison Control Centers, xviii

American Botanical Council, vi, xiv, xvi

American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, xvi

American Dietetic Association, xvi

American ginseng, 201–209, 216

American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), xix, 110, 116

American Medical Association, xv, 110

American Nurses Credentialing Center, xvi

aminoterminal propeptide, 222

aminotransferase levels, 290, 295

amiodarone, 90

amitriptyline, 326, 327, 332, 341

ammonia, fecal, 339, 349

ammonium chloride, 116

amoebicidal agents, 231

amoxicillin, 217

amyloid-b-protein toxicity, 370

anabolic steroids, 90

anaerobic threshold, 239, 244

analgesics, 42, 263, 301, 305, 308

anaphylaxis, 55, 56, 90, 252. see also hypersensitivity

androgens. see hormones

anemia, 157, 158, 215, 341

anesthetics, 263

Angelica acutiloba, 377

angina, 245, 375, 383, 384

angiogenesis, 339

angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), 44, 115, 370

angle-closure glaucoma, 115

animal protein drugs, 32

anise seed, 276

ankle circumference, 252, 255, 256

ankle edema, 244

ano-genital inflammations, 54

anorexia, 114, 116, 120, 293, 377, 378

anovulatory cycles, 65, 70, 151

antacids, 282, 302

Anthemis spp., 54, 56

anthocyanidins, 6

anthocyanins, 7, 77

anthocyanosides, 6, 7


            berberine, 231

            bilberry, 7

            cat’s claw, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33

            cayenne, 49

            chamomile, 55

            cranberry combination, 76

            feverfew, 139

            flax, 147

            ginger, 175

            horse chestnut, 251

            licorice, 277

            milk thistle, 289

            Padma®28/Basic, 383, 384

            Phytodolor®, 385

            Pycnogenol®, 370

            saw palmetto, 313

            Sinupret®, 388


            Asian ginseng, 217, 225

            berberine, 232, 234

            chamomile, 55

            cranberry, 76, 77, 82

            feverfew, 139

            garlic, 158

            ginger, 175

            goldenseal, 231

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 377

            peppermint, 301

            Sinupret®, 388

            St. John’s wort, 325

antibiotic potentiation, 102

antibody production, 90

anticoagulants. see also thrombosis; warfarin

            interaction with Asian ginseng, 217

            interaction with cat’s claw, 32

            interaction with feverfew, 140

            interaction with garlic, 159, 160

            interaction with ginkgo, 190

            interaction with goldenseal, 231

            interaction with horse chestnut, 252

            interaction with saw palmetto, 313

            interaction with St. John’s wort, 326

antifungals, 157, 158, 175

antimetabolite drugs, 101


            American ginseng, 205

            bilberry, 7

            cat’s claw, 26, 27, 29, 36

            cranberry, 77

            eleuthero, 101

            flax, 146

            garlic, 157, 158

            ginger, 175

            ginkgo, 189

            hawthorn, 240

            horse chestnut, 251

            licorice, 277, 279, 283

            milk thistle, 289

            Padma®28/Basic, 383

            Pycnogenol®, 370

            tea, 338, 339, 340, 346

antitumor. see tumor inhibitors

antivirals. see also herpes

            general, 301

            HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 90, 206, 216, 223, 375

            influenza virus, 325

            polio virus, 77

            retrovirus, 27, 29, 38, 325

            rhinovirus, 30, 175

            vesicular stomatitis virus, 30


            as adverse effect, 340

            anxiety disorder, 262

            anxiety-like conditions, 100

            and cerebral insufficiency, 191, 196

            in childbirth, 60

            as contraindication, 114, 340

            and insomnia, 100, 354, 362

            premenstrual, 71

            reduced symptoms, 245, 266, 270, 331, 333, 357, 361

            sedation, 354

anxiolytics, 55, 216, 263, 265, 266

aphrodisiacs, 215

aphthous ulcers, 276, 279, 282

apigenins, 54, 55, 301, 325

apoptosis, 27, 29, 146, 148, 152, 189, 313, 373

appetite, premenstrual, 71

appetite reduction, 215, 264, 295, 377

Aquilegiae vulgaris, 383

arabinogalactans, 89, 277

arabinose, 77, 89, 147, 312, 370

arabinoxylan, 89

arachidonic acid, 127, 162, 170, 231

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 76

arcurcumene, 174

arginine, 355

Arkocaps®, 341, 403

Arkopharma Laboratories, 341, 405

arnica hypersensitivity, 55, 90

aromatase, 387

arrest of descent, in childbirth, 133

arrhythmia. see also heart rate

            as adverse effect, 115

            animal studies, 277

            cardiac arrhythmia, 115

            cardiovascular antiarrhythmic action, 231

            drug interactions, 278

            effect of hawthorn, 244

            effect of valerian, 355

            proarrhythmic action, 231

            respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), 271

            tachycardia, 66, 114, 115, 234, 278, 361

            ventricular arrhythmia, 231, 234, 278

Artemisia absinthium, 288

arteries. see also atherosclerosis; vascular conditions

            aortic stiffness, 157, 169

            arterial compliance, 150

            arterial pressure, 60, 150

            coronary artery, 182, 231, 240

            peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)

                        and garlic, 156, 162, 170

                        and ginkgo, 188, 189, 191, 192, 197

                        and Padma®28, 383, 384

            radial artery pulse, 205

arteriosclerotic dementia, 196

arthritis. see also osteoarthritis

            chronic epicondylitis, 386

            general, 140, 148, 289

            psoriatic, 128, 132


                        adjunct therapy, 27

                        ineffective treatments, 140, 142, 148, 152

                        morning stiffness, 28, 33, 37, 134

                        pain reduction, 28, 33, 42, 45, 50

                        potential treatment, 126, 146, 385, 386

                        reduced inflammation, 49

articanin, 139

articular index, 134

arylamine N-acetyltransferase, 277

ascorbic acid, 43

ash, common, 385

Asian ginseng, 100, 204, 211–225, 377, 410

aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 264, 289, 293, 294, 346, 378

aspen, 385

aspirin, 43, 44, 47, 113, 116, 140, 160, 190

ASTA Medica AG, 57

aster hypersensitivity, 55


            as adverse effect, 115, 378

            from cerebrovascular insufficiency, 197

            debility, 100

            from diabetic neuropathy, 134

            functional asthenia, 100, 339

            menopausal, 223

            psychophysical, 224

            symptom of liver disease, 264, 293

            in TCM theory, 215

asthma. see also hypersensitivity; respiratory tract conditions

            as adverse effect, 160

            bronchial, 112, 276

            bronchial relaxation, 216, 341

            and ephedra, 110, 112

            and ginkgo, 191, 198

            and Pycnogenol®, 369, 370, 371, 373

            traditional Chinese medicine, 205, 276

Astragalus membranaceus, 377

astringents, xx, 7, 55, 56, 59, 76

ataxia, 30, 355


            aortic, 345

            atherogenesis, 146, 150

            atherogenic index, 339, 347

            general, 100, 175, 215, 370, 383

            plaque, 156, 158, 161, 169

            risk reduction, 146, 147, 153, 156, 157, 161, 338

            treatment, 162, 346

athletes, 91, 96, 102, 105, 112, 113, 218

athletic performance. see also exercise

            and American ginseng, 206, 209

            and Asian ginseng, 214, 218, 222, 223, 224

            and ephedra, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114

            physical fitness, 105, 223

atopic dermatitis, 126, 127, 128, 132, 133

Atractylodes lancea, 377

atrial fibrillation, chronic, 199

attention. see concentration

aucubin, 65

auditory disturbances, 102

auditory reaction time, 224

Australian Antigen Positive hepatitis, 380

autoimmune diseases, 31, 90, 91, 375. see also HIV

Axsain®, 45, 48, 49, 398

Ayurvedic medicine, 366, 367

Azadirachta indica, 383

azinobis ethyl benzthiazoline sulfonic acid (ABTS), 27

Azo-Cranberry®, 78, 81, 398


Bacillus spp., 158, 301

bacteria levels, fecal, 349

bacterial adherence, 77

bacterial clearance, 217, 225

bacteriostatic effects, 55, 114, 301

bacteriuria, 77, 78, 81, 82

baldrinal, 355

Ballota spp., 361

Baptisia tinctoria, 89, 92, 375

barbital metabolism, 101

barbiturates, 102, 265, 356

barium enemas, 300, 302, 305

barley, 409

barringtogenol, 251

bathmotropic effects, 239

Bayer Vital GmbH & Co., 328, 405

Beaufour-Ipsen, 405


            activities of daily living (ADL), 189

            activity levels, 106

            aggressiveness, 71, 355

            behavioral disturbances, 362

            fearful behaviors, 355

            obsessive-compulsive disorder, 324, 327, 334

            restless behaviors (see under nervous conditions)

            sleep behavior, 245

            social behavior, 195, 197

benefits of herbal products, xxi

Bengal quince, 383

benign prostatic hyperplasia, 115, 265, 312, 314, 317–319, 387

Benton Test of Visual Retention, 195

benzodiazepines, 265, 270, 354, 355, 356, 357, 363

benzoic acid, 370

benzopyrene binding, 127

benzoyl peroxide-induced tumors, 289

berberastine, 231

berberine, 230–232

beta-blocker drugs, 114, 115

beta-carotene, 382

bias against herbal medicine, xxv, 409

bifidobacteria levels, 349

bilberry, 3–12, 409

bile. see also gallbladder

            cholagogic agents, 175, 232, 289, 301

            cholangitis, 294

            cholestatic liver disorders, 264, 277

            ducts, obstructions, 264, 302

            ducts, spasms, 300

            salts, 289

bilirubin, 231, 232, 289, 293, 294, 378, 380

bilobalide, 189, 190

binomial names, xix

Bio-Biloba®, 192, 199, 400

Bio-Quinone, 199

Bioforce AG, 91, 252, 328, 405

biological-protectives, 101

biomembrane damage, 158

Bionorica AG, 67, 381, 388, 405

bird pepper, 42

birth control pills. see contraceptives

bisabolane sesquiterpenes, 55

bisabolol, 60

bisaolene, 174

black cohosh, 13–22, 409, 410

Blackmores, Ltd., 176, 181, 405

Blackmores ginger, 400

bladder, neurogenic, 78, 81

bladder, pediatric neuropathic, 78, 82

bladder cancer, 157, 158, 222

bladder outlet obstruction, 314, 319

bladder surgery, 82

bladder tonic, 76

bleeding. see hemorrhage/bleeding

bloating, 54, 70, 71, 128, 300, 306

blood. see also circulation; hemorrhage/bleeding; thrombosis

            bleeding time, 176, 182

            blood viscosity, 152

            clots (see thrombosis)

            ecchymoses, 372

            erythrocytes, 289, 373

            erythrocytosis, 32

            hematomas, 160, 250, 252, 258

            hemodynamic properties, 231

            hemoglobin, 222

            hyperemia, 43, 47

            hypoxia, 101, 188, 189, 191, 200

            ischemia, 169, 189, 231, 289, 339, 341, 345

            leukemia, 30, 31, 101

            leukocytes, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 37, 89, 223

            leukopenia, 29, 375

            plasma, 32

            plasma antioxidant activity, 338, 341, 345, 346

            plasma protein binding, 252

            serum microglobulin, 223

            serum protein carbonyl content, 150

blood alcohol levels, 217, 364

blood glucose/glycemia


                        by ephedra, 113


                        by American ginseng, 205, 209, 217, 222

                        by bilberry, 6

                        by eleuthero, 101, 102

                        by garlic, 157

                        by milk thistle, 295

            and thermogenesis, 121


                        by flax, 148, 152

                        by garlic, 161, 168

blood pressure


                        by chamomile, 60

                        by ephedra, 115, 121

                        by licorice, 283

                        by tea, 345


by cat’s claw, 29

                        by ephedra, 112, 114, 120

                        by garlic, 157, 161, 167

                        by hawthorn, 244

                        by Pycnogenol®, 373

                        by valerian, 355

            unaffected by garlic, 169

blue cohosh hypersensitivity, 381

BNO-1095, 67, 69, 398

Boehringer-Ingelheim, 405

bone cancer, 127

bone formation, 152

bone loss/resorption, 17, 146, 148, 152. see also osteoporosis

bone marrow transplants, 31

bone mineral density, 349

bonnet pepper, 42

Borago officinalis, 128

borborygmi, 305

bornyl acetate, 65, 139

bornyl angelate, 139

botanical nomenclature, xix

bowel conditions

            anal prolapse, 377

            colonoscopy, 300

            colostomies, 300, 305

            constipation, 32, 115, 146, 371

            diverticulitis, 146

            fecal flora, 339, 341, 349

            fecal moisture, 339, 349

            hemorrhoids, 12, 44, 250, 377

            ileus (bowel obstruction), 147

            irritable bowel, 44, 146, 300, 302, 305–306

            light-colored stools, 264

            loose stools, 128

            pH, 339, 349

            polyps, colorectal, 161, 170, 306

bowel movements, 152, 306

brain cancer, 33, 37

brands of herbal products, xxiii, xxviii

breast cancer

            apoptosis, 370

            growth suppression, 17, 18, 30, 77, 127, 147, 206, 340

            recurrence reduction, 338, 347

            risk reduction, 146, 148, 151, 157

            unaffected, 222

breast swelling/tenderness, 12, 64, 66, 70, 71, 372. see also under pain

breath odor, 160

bromazepam, 266, 270

bromocriptine, 115, 131

bromsulphalein, 294, 295

bronchial asthma, 112, 276

bronchitis. see also respiratory tract conditions

            bacterial clearance, 217, 225

            and common cold, 94

            general treatment, 110, 276, 375, 388, 389

            and influenza, 105

            macrophage activity, 225

bronchoconstriction, 44, 139, 189

bronchodilation, 112, 113, 115, 216, 341

bronchospasms, 112, 388

brown adipose tissue (BAT), 113, 115–116

Brown’s pepper, 42

BT-549 cells, 30

buchu leaf, 76

bufexamac, 59

Bupleurum falcatum, 377

burden of proof in herbal safety, xx

Burkholderia pseudomallei, 264

burning sensation, 49

burns, 324

butyrophenones, 290, 295


C-MED-100®, 33, 36, 398

C-peptide level, 189

caffeic acid, 89, 239, 301, 325, 355, 370

caffeine, 216, 240, 338, 339, 341

caffeine-ephedrine interaction, 111, 112, 113–114, 115–116, 120

caffeine-ginseng synergy, 217

caftaric acid, 89

calcium antagonists, 30

calcium excretion, urinary, 83

calcium mobilization, 313

calcium oxalate stones, 78

calendula, 383

calgranulin activity, 370

Camellia sinensis, 115, 335–349

CAMOCARE®, 57, 398

Campamed, LLC, 32, 405

campesterol, 28, 30, 127, 147, 289

camphor, 139, 355, 357, 383

canadaline, 231

canadine, 231

cancer. see bladder cancer; bone cancer; brain cancer; breast cancer; cervical cancer; colorectal cancer; endometrial cancer; esophageal cancer; laryngeal cancer; liver cancer; lung cancer; oral cancer; ovarian cancer; pancreatic cancer; prostate cancer; renal cancer; skin cancer; stomach cancer

cancer prevention. see chemoprevention; tumor inhibitors

cancer treatment

            cancer therapy adjuncts, 27, 33, 37, 100, 191, 232

            chemotherapy side effects, 29, 54, 59, 158, 174, 183, 377

            extracorporeal chemotherapy (photopheresis), 183

            interaction with cat’s claw, 32

            radiation therapy, 27, 29, 33, 37, 54, 59, 100, 158, 375

Candida spp., 158, 301, 325

candidiasis, 76, 88, 90, 91, 96, 162, 170

canin, 139

Cantox Health Sciences International (CHSI), 112

Cantox Toxicological Review, 113

caper stem bark, 76

capillary fragility, 6, 7, 12

capillary permeability, 7, 190, 251

Capparis spinosa, 379

capsaicin, 42, 43

capsaicinoids, 43

Capsicum spp., xx, 39–50

Capsig®, 45, 50, 398

captopril, 244

carbamazepine clearance, 326, 334

carbohydrate oxidation, 43, 47

carboxy alkyl esters (CAEs), 26, 27, 28, 29, 32

carboxystrictosidine, 28

cardiac assessments

            cardiac index, 60, 231, 234

            cardiac muscle strength, 175

            cardiac output, 60, 245

            cardiac work tolerance, 239

            cardio-respiratory endurance, 204

            conductive dysfunction (ECGs), 334

            echocardiography, 241, 244

            electrocardiograms (ECGs), 245, 334

            heart function, 120

            pressure/rate product, 239, 244, 245

            radionuclide angio-cardiography, 245

            stroke index (stroke volume), 60, 231, 234

            ventricular ejection fraction, 231, 234, 238, 239, 244, 245

cardiac disorders. see also heart rate; vascular conditions

            angiocardiopathy, 215

            anxiety-related, 361

            atrial fibrillation, chronic, 199

            cardiac failure, 215, 230, 234, 238, 241, 244, 245

            cardiac insufficiency, 191, 200, 239, 241, 244, 245, 355

            cardiogenic shock, 215

            coronary disease, 114, 161, 169, 245, 338, 341, 346, 347

            flax as heart attack preventive, 148

            heart irregularities as adverse effect, 340

            myocardial infarction, 101, 115, 150, 161, 241, 338, 339, 341, 346

            myocarditis, 115

            nervous heart complaints, 238

            non-specific, 355

            NYHA Stages I, II, or III, 238, 239, 241, 244, 245

            pressure in cardiac region, 238

            and valerian, 355, 357

cardiac function. see also cardiac assessments; exercise

            bathmotropic effects, 239

            chronotropic effects, 30, 355

            dromotropic effects, 239

            inotropic effects, 30, 231, 239, 240, 355

            physical fitness, 105, 223

            stamina, 102, 105

cardiac glycosides, 115, 240

cardiotonics, 240

cardamom, 383

carminatives, 55, 301

carotenoids, 43

carvone, 301

caryophyllene, 65

cascara sagrada, xx

Cassia occidentalis, 379

Cassia senna, xx

casticin, 64, 65

catalase, 339, 370

cataracts, 6

catechin bioavailability, 349


            antioxidant activity, 345, 346

            bio-availability, 349

            component of bilberry, 7

            component of cat’s claw, 28

            component of cranberry, 77

            component of St. John’s wort, 325

            component of tea, 338, 339

            component of Pycnogenol, 369, 370

            and oxygen consumption, 115-116

            and phagocytosis, 30

catechol-O-methyl transferase, 116, 340

catecholamines, 44, 47, 209, 224

Catharanthus roseus, xvii

catheterization, cardiac, 57, 60

catheterization, urinary, 81

cat’s claw, 23–38, 409, 410

Caulophyllum thalictroides, 381

Caved-S®, 279, 282, 401

cayenne, 39–50, 409

cayenne hypersensitivity, 44

CD4 cells, 27, 29, 33, 37, 38, 215, 223

CD8 cells, 37, 293

celandine, 264

cell proliferation, prostatic, 313

cell viability, 158. see also cytoprotectants

cellular defense, 105

cellular immune system, 101

Center for Foods and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), xviii

central nervous system, 101, 190, 191, 199, 363

central nervous system depressants, 55, 265, 357

central nervous system stimulants, 113, 114, 325, 339

Cephaelis ipecacuanha, xx

cerebral conditions. see craniocerebral conditions

cervical cancer, 222

cervix, cytological smears, 223

Cetraria islandica, 383

CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS), xviii

Chai-Na-Ta®, 400

Chai-Na-Ta Corp., 206, 209, 405

chalcones, 263, 277

Chamaemelum nobile, 54, 56

chamazulene, 55, 59, 60

chamomile, 276, 409

chamomile, German, 51–60

chamomile hypersensitivity, 90, 139

Chamomilla recutita, 51–60

chaste tree, 61–72

chaste tree hypersensitivity, 381

chebulic myrobalan, 383

chelation of metal ions, 205, 383

Chelidonium majus, 264

chemical standardization, xix

chemistry of herbs, xxvi


            breast cancer, 340

            colon cancer, 347

            general, 7, 101, 162, 175, 277, 279

            liver cancer, 283

            oral cancer, 347

chemoprotection (against DMBA, urethane, aflatoxin), 216

childbirth. see pregnancy

children. see also infants

            bronchospasms, 112

            contraindicated, 31, 114, 139, 251, 302, 356, 377, 385

            coughs, 276

            dermatitis, 132

            diarrhea, 6, 54, 57, 60

            giardiasis, 234

            and herbal product storage, xxv

            infections, 76, 78, 81, 82, 383

            motion sickness, 179

chili pepper, 42

Chinese goldthread rhizome, 76

Chinese multi-herb products, 366

chlamydia, 231

Chlamydia trachomatis, 234

chlorogenic acid, 89, 231, 239, 301, 325, 355

chlorothiazide, 278

chlorpromazine, 355

chlorthalidone, 278

cholchicine, xvii

cholelithiasis. see under gallbladder

cholera, 231

cholesterol. see lipids

choline, 55, 325, 355

cholinesterase, 191, 301

Chondrodendron tomentosum, xvii

chronic fatigue syndrome, 100, 377

chronotropic effects, 30, 355

chrysanthemum hypersensitivity, 55, 90, 139

Chrysanthemum parthenium, 135–142

chrysanthenyl acetate, 139

Ciba-Geigy AG, 67, 358, 405

cicatrizing activity, 90

cichoric acid, 89

Cichorium intybus, 379

cimetidine, 265, 282

Cimicifuga racemosa, 13–22, 410

Cimicifuga simplex, 377

cimicifugoside, 17

cimigoside, 17

cimiracemosides, 17

cinchonain, 28, 30

cineole, 65, 301

cinnamic acid, 370

Cinnamomum camphora, 355, 383

circulation. see also vascular conditions

            capillaries, 6, 7, 12, 190, 251, 370

            cerebral circulation, 114, 189

            circulatory complaints, as adverse effects, 32

            coronary circulation, 239, 245, 355

            general, 206, 216, 218, 383

            impaired circulation, 18

            microcirculation, 6, 157, 169, 371, 373

            peripheral, 8, 157, 162, 170

cirrhosis, 232, 277, 290, 293, 294, 380

cisapride, 302, 307

citric acid, 77, 113

Citrus unshiu, 377

clary sage, 57, 60

clavulanic acid, 217

Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale, 22, 71, 195, 307, 331, 332, 333, 334

Clinical Overview, xxix

clinical studies, xxviii

clobazam, 361

Clostridium spp., 158

clots, blood. see thrombosis

clotting time, 157, 160, 217

clove, 383

CNT2000™, 206, 400

co-dergocrine, 191

Cognex, 295

cognition. see also concentration; memory

            abstract thinking skills, 224

            alertness, 102, 223, 224, 325, 357, 364, 377

            Alzheimer’s/dementia, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196

            amnesia, 205, 216

            cognitive impairment in elderly, 191, 195, 197

            cognitive/mental performance

                        and American ginseng, 205, 209

                        and Asian ginseng, 215, 224

                        effects of alcohol, 265

                        and eleuthero, 102, 106

                        and flax, 147

                        and ginkgo, 191, 192, 197

                        and kava, 266, 271

                        and peppermint, 308

                        and Pycnogenol®, 370

                        and St. John’s wort, 325

                        and valerian, 364

            cognitive restructuring, 114

            error-detection in proofreading, 205, 206, 209, 224

            errors of commision, 308

            figure connection test, 196

            impaired judgment, 356

            learning enhancement, 189, 195, 196

            mathematical performance, 197, 209

            psychometric performance, 364

            vigilance, 197, 308, 364

            word recognition tasks, 197

coitus frequency, 225

Cola nitida, 111, 116

Cola spp., 120, 361

Colchicum autumnale, xvii

cold exposure/hypothermia, 188, 198, 216, 355

cold limbs (TCM theory), 215

cold receptors, nasal, 301

cold sensations, neuropathic, 134

cold sores, 375

cold sweats, 180

colic, 276

collagen, 7, 139, 169, 231, 290

collagenosis, 90, 375

colorectal cancer

            diallyl disulfide as preventative, 158

            flax as preventative, 147

            garlic as preventative, 156, 157, 161, 162, 170

            2nd line treatment, 191, 199

            tea as preventative, 338, 340, 341, 347, 348

colostomies, 300, 305

Colpermin®, 302, 305, 306, 402

columbine, 383

combinations of herbs. see herbal combinations

Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels, xxi

common ash, 385

common colds. see also respiratory tract conditions

            nasal congestion, 112

            prevention, 223

            treatment, 54, 57, 60, 91, 94, 95, 156

complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), xxi–xxii

concentration (mental)

            and cerebral insufficiency, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196

            effects of eleuthero, 102, 106

            effects of ginseng, 224

            effects of peppermint, 308

            effects of St. John’s wort, 325

            effects of valerian, 357, 364

            and fatigue, 100

            and premenstrual syndrome, 71

            prolonged attention, 308

conjunctivitis, allergic, 55

constipation, 32, 115, 146, 371

consumer use of herbal supplements, xvii, xxi

ConsumerLab.com, xvii

contraceptives, 8, 12, 26, 66, 326

contraindications, xxvii

contrast sensitivity, 100, 106

convalescence, 100

conventional drugs from plants, xvii

conventional medicine, xxi–xxiii

cooling effects, 55, 56, 59

cooling (TCM theory), 366

coordination, 224, 265

copper serum concentrations, 294

Coptis chinensis, 76, 230

CoQ10, 199

coronary artery, 182, 231, 240

coronary circulation, 239, 245, 355

corpus luteum abnormalities, 64, 66, 69, 70, 381

corticoid treatments, 278

corticosteroids, 90, 115, 258

cortisol, 96, 326, 333

corynantheine, 28, 30

corynoxeine, 28, 30

corypalmine, 231

coryza, acute, 112

costus, 383

coughs, 44, 114, 156, 205, 215, 276. see also respiratory tract conditions

Coumadin®, 159, 160, 170

cowslip, 276

cramps, menstrual, 370

cramps, muscular, 12, 250, 257, 370, 372, 383

cranberry, 73–83, 409, 410

craniocerebral conditions

            brain activity, 189, 199

            brain cell protection, 370

            brain development, 147

            brain injuries, 308

            brain tumors, 37

            cerebral circulation, 114, 189

            cerebral cortex function, 205

            cerebral insufficiency, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196, 197

            cerebral ischemia, 189

            hypoxia, 101, 188, 189, 191, 200

            intracranial pressure, 250, 252, 258

            strokes, 115, 341

crataegolic acid, 239

Crataegus laevigata, 235–245

Crataegus monogyna, 235–245

Crataegus Special Extract WS-1442, 241, 244, 245, 401

Crataegus spp., 238, 355, 357, 361

Crataegutt®, 241, 245, 401

Crataeva nurvala, 76

creatinine, 147, 152

cryoprecipitates, 32

cryptococcal meningitis, 157

Cryptococcus spp., 157, 158

Cucurbita pepo, 382

cumaric acid, 370

cyanidin, 7, 77

cyanogenic glycosides, 147

cyclamen hypersensitivity, 381

cyclic AMP, 7, 158, 239-240

cyclic GMP synthesis, 216

cyclooxygenase (COX), 29, 30, 313

cyclosporine, 90, 326

cynarin, 89

cysteine sulfoxides, 157

cystic granular hyperplasia of endometrium, 70

cysticidal activity, 231

cytochrome P450, 56, 277, 326

cytokines, 29, 90, 152, 158

cytoprotectants, 27, 42, 127

cytotoxic lymphocytes, 289, 293

cytotoxicity, 29, 30, 90, 101, 105, 139, 158, 370


daily value (nutrients), xxiv

daisy hypersensitivity, 139

Dalidar Pharma, 176, 405

dammarane-type glycosides, 205

dammarane-type saponins, 215

danazol, 131

dandelion, 409

Dansk Droge A/S, 219, 405

Dansk Droge Ginseng, 219, 222, 401

Datura stramonium, xvii

daucosterol, 101

deafness, 188, 191, 199

deathcap mushroom poisoning, 289

deaths, 115

defecation. see bowel movements

delphinidin, 7

dementia, 188, 189, 191, 195, 196. see also memory

demulcents, xx, 276, 277

deodorants, 55

deoxyribose degradation, 27, 29

depolarization in ventricles, 334


            antidepressant drugs, 190, 326, 327, 334

            antidepressant effects, 216, 324, 325, 355

            and cerebral insufficiency, 188, 196

            as contraindication, 114, 189, 264

            and dementia, 195

            depressive syndrome, 224

            menopausal, 16, 18, 22, 223, 270

            mild to moderate depression, 324, 325, 327, 331–333, 334

            premenstrual, 71

            severe depression, 191, 200, 327, 328, 331

depsides, 339

dermatological conditions. see also herpes; pruritus/itching

            abrasions, 54, 57, 59, 90

            acne, 32, 64, 66, 67, 72, 381

            bacterial infections, 375

            bruises (see hematomas)

            cicatrizing activity, 90


                        atopic, 126, 127, 128, 132, 133

                        in children, 126, 132

                        chronic, 128, 132

                        contact, 55, 56, 139, 160, 252

                        neurodermatitis, 54, 59, 90

                        seborrhoeic, 126

                        ulcerative, 12

                        zosteriform, 160

            dry skin, 132

            dyschromia, 12

            ecchymoses, 372

            eczema, 90, 128, 377

            epidermal thinning, 133

            erythema, 83, 132, 326, 333, 388

            exanthemas, 66, 381, 388

            hair loss, 66

            ichthyosis, 264

            inflammatory dermatoses, 54, 57, 59

            lichenoid reaction, 302

            melanin index, 333

            pemphigus, 160

            peristomial conditions, 83

            perspiration, 16, 17, 113, 361, 377

            psoriasis, 42, 45, 49, 370

            purpuras, 6

            rashes, 66, 69, 378

            rete ridge flattening, 133

            rubefacients, 43

            shingles (herpes zoster), 42

            skin cancer, 127, 175, 289

            skin lesions/ulcers, 43, 44, 49, 251

            skin metabolism stimulants, 55

            skin odor, 160

            skin reactions, non-specific, 71

            uremic skin symptoms, 126, 128, 132

            urticaria, 44, 55, 66, 160, 378

            vesiculation, 388

            wounds, 55, 88, 90, 251, 324

descriptions of herbs, xxvi

detoxifying enzymes, 339

detrusor pressure, 319

detumescence, early, 216

dexamethasone clearance, 115

diabetes. see also insulin

            as contraindication, 114, 277

            lactose- and gluten-free tablets, 383

            and liver disease, 288, 295

            nephropathy, 127

            neuropathy, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 128, 133, 134

            non-insulin dependent (type II), 152, 204, 205, 206, 209, 214, 218, 222

            retinopathy, 6, 11, 369

            streptozotocin-induced, 127

            traditional Chinese medicine, 215

            treatment, 7, 102

diallyl sulfides, 157, 158

diaphoretics, 113


            bacterial, 231, 234

            in cancer patients, 377

            in children, 6, 54, 57, 60

            in cholera patients, 231, 234

            dysentery, 102

            general, 230, 232

            in HIV patients, 162, 170

            symptomatic treatment, 338

diarrhea, as adverse effect

            Asian ginseng, 217

            cat’s claw, 32

            cranberry, 78

            eleuthero, 102

            feverfew, 139, 140

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 377

            milk thistle, 295

            Pycnogenol®, 371

            St. John’s wort, 334

Diarrhoesan®, 57, 60, 398

diastolic blood pressure reduction

            by garlic, 157, 161, 167, 168, 170

            by goldenseal, 231, 234

            by hawthorn, 244

            by Pycnogenol®, 373

diazepam, 22, 181, 355, 357, 361

diclofenac, 386

dietary fiber intake, 151

dietary/herbal supplements, xvii–xxi, xxiv, xxvii, 110–112, 115, 368, 409

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), xvii, xx, xxi, 368

dietetic technicians, xvi, 431

dieticians, xvi, 431

DietMax®, 116, 120, 399

Difrarel™, 8, 11, 398

digitalis glycosides, 240, 278

Digitalis spp., xvii

digoxin, xvii, 102, 240, 326

dihomogammalinolenic acid (DGLA), 127

dilantin, 290

dimenhydrinate, 176, 179, 180

diosmetin, 301

diphenyl picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 27, 29

dipyridamole, 341

disclaimers, xxiv, 368

disjunctive reaction time, 224

disorientation, 265

diuresis, 198, 338, 340. see also urodynamics

diuretics, 76, 113, 190, 278, 301, 313

dizziness, 114, 188, 191, 196, 197, 223, 265. see also vertigo

            as adverse effect, 31, 190, 217, 371

DMBA resistance, 216

DNA protection, 370

DNA repair, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36

DNA synthesis, 17

don quai, 409

donepezil, 191

dopamine, 65, 66, 115, 251, 252, 265, 325

dosages, xxvi

Dr. Loges & Co. GmbH, 57, 405

Dr. Mewes Heilmittel GmbH, 103, 405

Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co., 192, 241, 253, 266, 303, 315, 357, 376, 387, 405

Dramamine®, 176

driving impairment, 356, 357, 364

dromotropic effects, 239

droperidol, 181

drug interactions. see herb-drug interactions

dry throat, 205

Duboisia spp., xvii

duration of administration, xxvi

dyschromia, 12

dysentery, 102

dyspepsia. see also gastrointestinal conditions

            as adverse effect, 69, 139, 356

            gastritis, acute, 44, 231, 301

            gastritis, general, 28, 33, 37, 146, 230

            non-ulcer, 300, 302, 307

            treatment, 54, 230, 276, 288

dysphoria, 71, 205

dyspnea/shortness of breath, 114, 215, 238, 239, 244, 245

dysuria, 313, 318, 339. see also urodynamics


eating disorders

            anorexia, 114, 116, 120, 293, 377, 378

            appetite reduction, 215, 264, 295, 377

            bulimia, 116

ecchymoses, 372

echinacea, 85–96, 409, 410

Echinacea angustifolia, 88–90, 375

Echinacea pallida, 88–90, 375

Echinacea Plus®, 91, 94, 399

Echinacea purpurea, 88–90, 375

Echinacin®, 91, 95, 96, 105, 399

echinacoside, 89

Echinaforce®, 91, 94, 96, 399

EchinaGuard®, 91, 94, 399

econazole nitrate cream, 96

EcoNugenics, Inc., 383, 405

Ecstasy, 110


            as adverse effect, 278

            ankle, 244

            cerebral, 189

            general, 251, 313, 339

            inflammations, 29

            nephritis, 112

            post-traumatic, 250

            postoperative, 250

            during pregnancy, 12

            pulmonary, 278

            with Raynaud’s, 12

            vascular disorders, 12, 250, 255, 256, 257, 370, 372

Efamast®, 128, 131, 399

Efamol®, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134

Efamol Nutraceuticals Inc., 405

EGb-761, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 400

eicosanoid synthesis, 139, 182

ejaculation volume, 319

ejaculatory disturbances, 313, 317. see also reproduction

Eladon Ltd., 103, 405

Elagen®, 103, 105, 399

elder, 388

elderberry, 409

elderly patients, 77, 78, 82, 195–197, 224, 334, 377

Elettaria cardamomum, 383

Eleugetic®, 103, 399

Eleukokk®, 103, 105, 399

eleuthero, 97–106

Eleutherococcus senticosus, 97–106, 204, 218

eleutherosides, 101

embolisms. see thrombosis

emesis, 12, 55, 174, 175, 176, 305. see also vomiting

emetics, xx

emmenagogues, 18, 139

endometrial cancer, 161

endometrium, 17, 70, 369, 373

endoscopy, 306

endothelin, 205

energetics (TCM theory), 366

energy, 216, 224, 341, 345

English plantain, 383

ENRECO, Inc., 148, 405

enterobacteriaceae levels, fecal, 349

Enterococcus faecalis, 77

Enteroplant®, 303, 307, 402

Enzymatic Therapy, Inc., 117, 405

Ephedra sinica, xvii, 107–121, 410

ephedrine, xvii, 110–112, 113

epicondylitis, chronic, 386

epidermal growth factor, 317

epilepsy, temporal lobe, 128

epileptic patients, 127, 128, 190. see also seizures

epinephrine, 47, 121, 169, 240

epithelial tissue, 29, 313, 314

Epogam®, 128, 132, 133

erectile dysfunction, 215, 216, 218, 225

            as adverse effect, 313, 319

ergogenic effects, 218, 222

ergogenic parameters, 102

ergogenic response, 209

ergometry, 209, 244, 245

ergospirometry, 244

eructation, 307

erysipelas, swine, 301

erythrocytes, 289, 373

erythrocytosis, 32

Esberitox®, 92, 94, 95, 96, 375, 399

Escalation™, 117, 120, 399

Escherichia coli, 77, 231, 234, 301, 384

Escherichia spp., 158

escin, 251, 252

esculetin, 251, 252

esculin, 251

esophageal cancer, 215, 222, 338, 341, 348

esophageal reflux, 302

esophageal sphincter, 301

essential fatty acids (EFAs), 126, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134

Essential Nutrient Research Corp. (ENRECO), 148, 405

Essentially Pure Ingredients™, 162–163, 405

Essex cream, 49

estrogen receptor modulator, selective (SERM), 21

estrogen receptors, 18, 217, 277, 340

estrogenic effects, 17, 18, 21, 206, 217

estrogens, 17, 21, 65, 151, 152, 313. see also hormones

etoposide, xvii

eubacteria levels, fecal, 349

eudesmolides, 138, 139

Euminz®, 303, 308, 402

Euphytose®, 357, 361, 403

European goldenrod, 385

European multi-herb products, 366

Eurovita Extracts, 176, 182

Euvegal®, 357, 363, 364, 403

evening primrose, 123–134, 409

EV.Ext-33, 400

EV.Ext-77, 400

evidence-based medicine, xxiii

Excel, 117, 399

Excel Corporation, 117

excess gas production, 54, 300


            aerobic, 105, 222

            and coronary disease, 241, 244, 245

            endurance, 101, 205, 209, 214, 218, 223, 384

            ephedra/caffeine effects, 114

            immunologic effects, 96

exhaustion, 12, 105, 209, 377. see also fatigue

Exolise®, 341, 345, 403

expectoration, 276, 277, 389

Expended Mental Control Test, 195

expiration dates, xxv

expiratory flow, 225

exudates, 251, 313

eyebright, 409

eyes. see ophthalmic conditions

eyewashes, 230, 232


factor XIII activity, 231

falcarindiol, 205

farnesene, 139

Faros®, 241, 244, 401

fat. see adipose tissue

fat composition of human milk, 127, 128, 134

fat intake, 151


            as adverse effect, 66, 361

            and cardiovascular disorders, 238, 244, 255

            chronic, 100, 377

            and common colds, 95

            from exercise, 102, 105, 214

            general, 218, 222, 324, 327, 333

            premenstrual, 71

            prostration, 215

fatigue syndrome, chronic, 100, 377

fecal odor, colostomies, 300, 305

Femicur®, 67, 70, 398

fennel seed, 276

ferric-reducing ability, 345

Ferrosan A/S, 176, 406


            general, 215, 218

            during lactation, 66

            sperm quality, 147, 225, 369, 370

            trying to conceive, 69, 70, 381

            and valerian, 356

ferulic acid, 17, 325, 370

fever, 377

feverfew, 135–142, 409

fibrinolysis, 43, 44, 48, 157, 383, 384

fibrocystic disease, 66

fibrocystic mastopathy, 381

fibrogenesis, 290, 295

fibroid cysts, 64

fibromyalgia, 42, 45, 50, 354

fibrosis, 295, 380

finasteride, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319

flatulence, 54, 140, 295, 305, 307

flatulent digestive pains, 300

flavone glycosides, 55

flavonoid intake, 347

flavonoids, 7, 28, 139, 189, 239

flavonol glycosides, 77

flavonolignans, 289

flax, 143–152

flaxseed, 409

FlexAgility®, 400

flu. see respiratory tract conditions

flu vaccine response, 223

fluid retention, premenstrual, 71, 381

Fluimucil, 389

flunitrazepam, 364

fluocortin butyl ester, 59

fluorouracil (5-FU), 59, 191, 199

fluoxetine, 327, 331

fluphenazine precipitation, 341

Foeniculum vulgare, 276

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 17, 18, 21, 65, 70, 314, 318. see also hormones

Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act, xx

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), xv, xix, xxiv, 110–112, 115, 368

forced expiratory volume, 225

formononetin, 17, 277

Formula One, 110

Fraxinus excelsior, 385

free radical scavengers, 7, 29, 30, 126, 189, 205, 277, 340, 370

FreeLife International LLC, 406

French maritime pine bark extract, 369–373

frigidity, 215

fructosans, 89


G115®, 219, 401

GABA, 325, 355

galactose, 89, 147, 312

galactoside, 101

galacturonic acid, 147

galanga, 182

gallbladder. see also bile

            cholecystectomy, 288, 295

            cholecystitis, 232, 302

            cholelithiasis, 175, 302

            spasms, 300

gallic acid, 370

gamma-glutamyl transferase, 134

gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), 289, 294

gamma-glutamylcysteines, 157

gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), 126, 127, 128, 132

ganglion blockage, 114

garlic, 153–170, 409

garlic hypersensitivity, 159

gastric cancer. see stomach cancer

gastric complaints as adverse effect

            black cohosh, 18, 22

            chaste tree, 66, 69, 71, 78

            feverfew, 139

            ginkgo, 189

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 378

            horse chestnut, 251

            Mastodynon®, 381

            milk thistle, 295

            Padma®28/Basic, 383

            Phytodolor®, 385

            Prostagutt®, 387

            Pycnogenol®, 371

            saw palmetto, 313, 317

            St. John’s wort, 326, 332

            tea, 340–341

            valerian, 356

gastrointestinal conditions. see also bowel conditions; dyspepsia

            absorption of drugs and nutrients, 147, 341, 367, 383

            achlorhydria, 302

            activity of smooth muscles

                        migrating motor complex, 307

                        motility/spasms, 54, 175, 300, 301, 306, 355

                        relaxants, 301, 306, 307

                        spasms during barium enemas, 300, 302, 305

                        spastic colon syndrome, 306

                        stimulants, 43, 44, 302

            bacteria adherence to epithelium, 77

            carminatives, 55, 301

            colon damage from laxative abuse, 146

            colonoscopy, 300

            digestive aids, 42, 64, 339

            digestive system (TCM theory), 216

            enteritis, 146

            enterocolitis drug interaction, 102

            enteropathy, 29

            gastric emptying, 113, 251, 301

            gastric function, 180, 302, 377

            gastritis, acute, 44, 301

            gastritis, general, 28, 33, 37, 146, 230

            gastroesophageal reflux, 251, 302

            gastrointestinal cancer, 339, 377 (see also colorectal cancer; stomach cancer)

            gastroprotectants, 27, 29, 44, 47, 277, 289

            gastroptosis, 377

            ileus (bowel obstruction), 147

            inflammatory diseases, 54

            intestinal flora, 76, 160, 339, 341, 349

            mucosal irritation, 251, 340–341

            mucosal protection, 43, 44, 47, 127

            NSAID-induced gastric lesions, 134

            NSAID-induced gastritis, 27, 29

            pH in digestive tract, 339

            ulcers, duodenal

                        and cayenne, 47

                        and licorice, 276, 279, 282

            ulcers, gastric

                        and Asian ginseng, 215

                        and cat’s claw, 26

                        and cayenne, 42, 43, 44, 47

                        and licorice, 276, 277, 279, 282

            ulcers as contraindication, 44, 114

Gebro Pharma GmbH, 357, 378, 406

Gefarnate, 282

GenDerm Corporation, 45, 406

General Accounting Office (GAO), 111


            DNA protection, 370

            DNA repair, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36

            DNA synthesis, 17

            genotoxins, 43


                        antimutagenic effects, 27, 28, 29, 339

                        chromosomal aberrations, 142

                        photomutagenesis, 29

            sister chromatid exchanges, 142

Gentiana lutea, 388

geranial, 174

Geriaforce®, 192, 195, 400

geriatric clinical evaluation scale, 197

Gerimax®, 219, 224, 401

germacranolides, 139

germacrene, 139

German Commission E, xviii, xxi, 366

GERRI test, 195

giardiasis, 231, 234

giddiness as adverse effect, 115

ginger, 171–183, 377, 409

gingerols, 174

Ginkai®, 400

Ginkgo biloba, 185–200, 409, 410

ginkgo hypersensitivity, 189

Ginkgold®, 192, 195, 199, 400

ginkgolides, 189

Ginkoba® 400

Ginkyo®, 400

Ginsana® G115, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 401

ginseng, American, 201–209, 216

ginseng, Asian, 100, 204, 211–225, 377, 410

ginseng, Siberian, 100, 204

Ginseng Abuse Syndrome, 217

ginseng (non-specific), 409

ginsenosides, 204, 205, 215, 216, 218

GITLY Kava extract, 266, 270, 401

glaucoma, 114, 115, 116

GlaxoSmithKline, 19, 357, 374, 406

glomerulosclerosis, 147

glossodynia, 59

glucocorticoid drugs, 217

glucosamine, 89

glucosuria. see urinary glucose

glutamate, 370

glutamate-dehydrogenase (GLDH), 294

glutamic acid pyruvate transaminase (GPT), 264, 378

glutamine, 355

glutamyltransferase, 264

glutathione, 289, 293, 339, 370

glycans, 113

glycated hemoglobin, 222

glycemia. see blood glucose/glycemia

glycoproteins, 89

glycosaminoglycan hydrolases, 257

glycyrrhetic acid, 277

Glycyrrhiza spp., 273–283, 276, 377, 383

glycyrrhizin, 277

GMP phosphodiesterase, 189

GNC (General Nutrition Centers), 406

GNC’s Women’s Cycle, 398

golden cinquefoil, 383

goldenrod, European, 385

goldenrod hypersensitivity, 56

goldenseal, 76, 227–234

gonadal function, 279, 282

good agricultural practices (GAP), xix

good laboratory practices (GLP), xix

good manufacturing practices (GMP), xviii, xix, xx, xxiii

gotu kola, 409

granular layer absence, 133

granulocytes, 30, 38, 90

grape seed, 409

growth factor, 313

guaianolides, 138, 139

guanethidine, 115

guarana, 111, 116, 120, 409. see also Paullinia spp.


habanero pepper, 42

hairy baby syndrome, 102

halitosis, 160

haloperidol, 66, 341

halothane, 115

Hamamelis virginiana, xx

Hamilton Anxiety (HAMA) scale, 22, 270, 331, 361

Hamilton Depression (HAMD) scale, 331, 332, 333

hangover effects, 355, 362, 364

Harmonicum Much®, 357, 362, 403

hawthorn, 235–245, 355, 357, 409

headaches. see also migraines

            cerebral insufficiency, 188, 191, 196, 197

            cluster, 42, 45, 50

            dysmenorrhea, 12

            general, 339

            high-altitude, 101

            menopausal, 17, 223

            premenstrual, 70, 71, 381

            severe, 114

            tension, 300, 301, 302, 308

headaches, as adverse effect

            black cohosh, 18

            cat’s claw, 31

            chaste tree, 66, 69

            eleuthero, 102

            ephedra, 115

            evening primrose, 128

            ginkgo, 190

            Mastodynon®, 381

            Pycnogenol®, 371

            saw palmetto, 319

            tea, 340

            valerian, 356

Health from the Sun, 406

healthcare providers, xxi–xxiii

heart rate. see also arrhythmia

            baroreflex control of heart rate (BRC), 271

            cardiac arrhythmia, 115, 231

            and cat’s claw, 29

            chronotropic effects, 30, 355

            and eleuthero, 105

            and ephedra, 112, 113, 121

            and exercise, 209

            and ginseng, 222

            and hawthorn, 239, 244, 245

            increased by imipramine, 334

            palpitations, 16, 18, 101, 115, 189, 238, 244, 245

            reduction, 29, 239, 244, 245, 355

            resting rate, 223

            and valerian, 355

heart tonics, 355

heart valves, mechanical, 199

heartbeat, rapid. see tachycardia

HeartCare™, 401

heartleaf sida, 383

heat (TCM theory), 205, 366

heaviness in legs, 250, 255, 370

Hedychium spicatum, 383

Heilmittel, 406

Helicobacter pylori, 77, 157, 158, 277

hellebore, 217

hematomas, 160, 250, 252, 258

hemiplegia, 377

hemoglobin, 222


            as adverse effect, 160, 170, 190

            bleeding disorders, 189

            breakthrough bleeding, 326

            postoperative, 6, 8, 12, 160

            retinal, 6, 11

            surgical, 6, 8, 12

            uterine, 67, 215

            vaginal, 217

hemorrhoids, 12, 44, 250, 372, 377

hepatic disorders. see also liver cancer

            alcoholic liver disease, 288, 290, 293, 294, 380

            cholangitic hepatopathies, 294

            cholestatic liver disorders, 264, 277

            chronic liver disease, 294

            cirrhosis, 232, 277, 290, 293, 294, 380

            as contraindication, 264–265, 302

            diabetes and liver disease, 288, 295

            hepatic failure, 276, 279, 283

            hepatotoxicity, 90, 205, 262, 264–265, 290, 295, 383

            jaundice, 231, 264

            liver cell necrosis, 294

            liver dysfunction, 264, 265, 379


            alcoholic, 293

            Australian Antigen Positive, 380

            cholestatic, 264

            chronic, 276, 290, 294, 380

            drug-induced, 288

            infectious, 288, 380

            necrotizing, 264, 265

            non-specific, 215, 290

            viral, 133, 276, 290, 294

hepatocytes, 294, 326

hepatoprotective agents

            American ginseng, 205

            ephedra, 114

            licorice, 277

            Liv.52®, 379

            milk thistle, 289, 290, 294

            Padma®28, 383

            tea, 346

hepatoxicosis (in ruminants), 289

herb-drug interactions, xix, xxi, xxvii–xxviii

herbal combinations, 218, 366–368, 374–389, 409

Herbal Ecstacy, 110

herbal supplements. see dietary/herbal supplements

Herbs of Commerce, xix, xxiv

Hermes Fabrick Pharma, 163, 406


            genital, 91, 96, 162, 170

            simplex, 27, 33, 38, 90, 100, 102, 105, 301, 325

            simplex labialis, 375

            zoster (shingles), 42

heterocyclic amine activity, 339

hexobarbital metabolism, 101

high blood pressure. see hypertension

Himalaya Drug Company, 379, 406

hippocaesculin, 251

hippuric acid, 83

hirsuteine, 28, 30

hirsutine, 28, 30

histamines, 43, 49, 139

histidine decarboxylase, 114

HIV drugs, 26, 160, 215, 217

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), 90, 206, 216, 223, 375

HIV patients

            adjunct therapy, 27, 29, 33, 37, 38

            cautioned about cat’s claw, 31

            CD4 T cell counts, 215

            and immunomodulators, 216

            natural killer cell activity, 162, 170

            saquinavir therapy, 160

            zidovudine (AZT) therapy, 26, 215, 217

Hochu-ekki-to®, 367, 377–378

Höfel’s® Garlic Pearles, 162, 167, 399

holistic medicine, 367

homeostasis, 105

homocysteine, 157

hongshen, 215, 216

hops, 363, 364, 374, 378

hormones. see also estrogens; testosterone

            androgenization, 102

            androgens, 150, 313

            corpus luteum hormone, 65

            follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 17, 18, 21, 65, 70, 314, 318

            growth hormone, 333, 370

            hormone levels, 19, 151, 217

            hormone-like effects, 216

            hormone modulators, 65

            hormone therapy, 17, 18, 19, 21, 66

            luteinizing hormone (LH), 17, 18, 21, 65, 70, 314, 318

            peptide hormone drugs, 32

            progesterone, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 282

            progestin, 150

            prolactin, 17, 18, 21, 65, 66, 69, 225, 333

            sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), 17, 21

            thyroxin releasing hormone (TRH), 69

Horphag Research, 369, 406

horse chestnut, 247–258

horse chestnut seed extract (HCSE), 250

hot flashes, 16, 17, 21, 22, 128, 133, 263

Hova®, 357, 363, 364, 378, 403

Humulus lupulus, 354, 374, 378

hyaluronidase activity, 251

Hydergine®, 191

hydrastidine, 231

hydrastine, 231

Hydrastis canadensis, 76, 227–234

hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, 302

hydrochlorothiazide, 278

hydrocortisone, 59

hydrogen peroxide, 28, 29, 158

hydrooxyproline, 152

hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase, 283

hyoscyamine, 305

hyperaldosteronism. see aldosteronism

hyperemesis gravidarum, 174, 176, 181

hyperemia, 43, 47

hyperforin, 324, 325, 326

hyperhidrosis, 377

hypericin, 324, 325

Hypericum perforatum, 321–334, 357, 409, 411

Hyperiforce®, 328, 332, 402

hyperimmunoglobulin therapy, 32

hyperoside, 239, 325

hyperprolactinemia, 64, 66, 67, 69

hypersensitivity. see also anaphylaxis

            Asteraceae plants, 55, 56, 90, 139

            blue cohosh, 381

            Caulophyllum thalictroides, 381

            cayenne, 44

            chaste tree, 381

            composite flowers, 375

            cyclamens, 381

            echinacea, 375

            garlic, 159, 160

            ginkgo, 189

            hay fever, 112

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 377

            ignatia, 381

            irises, 381

            lilies, 381

            onions, 160

            ragweed, 55, 90, 139

            St. John’s wort, 326

            tulips, 160


            as adverse effect, 115, 116, 217, 278, 313, 340

            antihypertensives, 32, 44, 101, 115, 158, 161

            as contraindication, 102, 114, 216, 277

            drug interactions, 115

            and garlic, 156, 161, 168

            and hawthorn, 244

            portal, 293

            and Pycnogenol®, 369, 371, 373

            and valerian, 361

hypnotic effects, 265, 355

hypocorticoidism, 276

hypokalemia, 277, 278, 377, 378

hypotension, 357

hypotensive effects, 115, 355

hypothermia, 355

hypoxia, 101, 188, 189, 191, 200

hysterectomized patients, 18, 19


Ibuprofen, 182

ICD p24 antigen, 223

Iceland moss, 383

icterus. see jaundice

IdB 1016 Silipide, 291, 294, 402

IDS-89, 315, 317, 402

ignatia hypersensitivity, 381

IL-6 release, 96

ileum contractions, 301

Ilex paraguariensis, 111

imipramine, 327, 331, 332, 334, 341, 355

imminent health hazard, xx

Immodal Pharmaka GmbH, 33, 406

immune complex clearance, 277

immune function, 33, 36, 102, 105, 127, 231

immune support, 218

immunocompetent cells, 101, 105

immunoglobulin therapy, 32

immunologic effects of exercise, 96


            Asian ginseng, 214, 216, 218, 223

            cat’s claw, 26, 29–33, 36

            echinacea, 88, 89, 91

            eleuthero, 101, 102

            Esberitox®, 375

            evening primrose, 127

            garlic, 157, 159

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 377

            horse chestnut, 251

            Sinupret®, 388

immunoprotectants, 102

immunosuppression, 31, 90, 158

impaired concentration, premenstrual, 71

impotence, 215, 313, 317, 377. see also reproduction

Indena S.p.A., 8, 291, 406

India, traditional medicine, 366, 367

indigestion. see dyspepsia

indinavir clearance, 326

indole alkaloids, 28, 30

indomethacin, 386

inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), 30, 206, 383


            brain development, 147

            colic, 276

            contraindicated, 231, 302, 340

            dermatitis, 126

            formula fortification, 126

infections, acute phase, 102


            bile duct, 294

            chronic, 26, 100, 127, 388

            gallbladder, 302

            gastrointestinal tract, 54

            mucosal, 6, 54, 56, 59, 300

            non-specific, 42, 114, 146, 147, 189

            respiratory, 388

            skin, 54, 57, 59, 90

            stomach, acute, 231

            throat, 54

influenza. see respiratory tract conditions

inotropic effects, 30, 231, 239, 240, 355

insomnia. see also sleep

            as adverse effect, 115, 217, 340, 356

            from anxiety/nervousness, 100, 354, 366

            as contraindication, 114

            general, 357, 362–364, 374, 378

            tradition Chinese medicine, 215


            dosage monitoring, 7, 206, 217

            insulin-like growth factor, 152

            interaction with herbs, 7, 32, 102, 157

            resistance, 295

            response to, 150, 161

            secretion, 148, 152, 189

            sensitivity, 161

intellectual functions, 197, 215. see also cognition

interactions. see herb-drug interactions

interferon gamma, 158

interleukin, 158, 325

intermittent claudication. see Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease (PAOD)

internal-heat (TCM theory), 205

International Olympic Committee, 113

International Prostate Symptom Score, 317, 318, 319

intractable pruritus, 42

intrauterine device side effects, 8, 12

inulin, 89

Inverni Della Beffa S.p.A., 406

invertose, 7

ipecac, xx

iridoids, 65, 355

iris hypersensitivity, 381

iron absorption, 341

irritability, 16, 18, 70, 71, 215, 354

            as adverse effect, 115, 217, 340


            cardiac, 231, 339, 341, 345

            cerebral, 189

            ischemic mucosal injuries, 289

            juvenile ischemic attack, 169

isoajmalicin, 28

isoorientin, 65

itching. see pruritus/itching

IUD. see intrauterine device

Ivel®, 357, 363, 403


jalapeño peppers, 47

Japan, traditional medicine, 366, 367

Japanese ginseng, 218

Jarsin®, 327, 328, 334, 402

jaundice, 231, 264

jing (TCM theory), 216

joint mobility, 12, 49, 385

joint tenderness, 42

jujube, 377


kaempferol, 89, 189, 325

Kamillosan®, 57, 59, 398

Kampo medicine, 366, 367

kanamycin, 102

Kanoldt Arzneimittel GmbH, 357, 406

kava, 259–271, 409, 410

kavain, 263

kavalactones, 262, 263, 264

KavaPure®, 266, 271, 401

Kavatrol®, 266, 270, 401

Kaveri®, 192, 195, 196, 400

Kavosporal®, 266, 271, 401

KB cells, 30

Kendrick battery test, 196

keratinocytes, 370

kernicterus, 231

ketoalkenes, 89

ketoalkynes, 89

ketoconazole, 90

kidney disorders. see renal/kidney disorders

kidney (TCM theory), 101

Kira®, 328, 333, 334, 402

Klebsiella spp., 158

Klinge Pharma GmbH, 406

Kneipp Kamillen-Konzentrat, 57, 60, 398

Kneipp-Werke®, 57, 406

knotweed, 383

KNP Trading Pte. Ltd., 45, 47, 406

kola nut. see Cola spp.

Krallendorn®, 28, 32, 33, 37, 38, 398

Kruskal-Wallis test, 305

Kupperman-Menopause Index (KPI), 19, 21, 22

Kwai®, 156, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 399

Kwai HeartFit™, 399

Kyolic®, 156, 162, 167, 168, 169, 170, 399, 400


L-glutamate uptake, 325

labdane diterpenoids, 65

labeling of herbal products, xx, xxi, xxiv, 368

labiate tannins, 301

labor. see pregnancy

Laboratoires Chibret, 8, 406

Laboratori Guidotti S.p.A., 314, 406

lactate levels, 47, 105, 209


            amenorrhea, 66

            in animals, 65

            beneficial herbs, 126, 147, 160

            as contraindication, 114, 139, 264, 326, 356, 376

            galactogogues, 66, 67

            insufficient, 64

            lactogenic response, 66

lactation contraindications, xxvii

lactic acid, 222

lactobacilli, 76, 81, 349

Laitan®, 266, 270, 271, 401

LAK cells, 158, 377

Lake Louise Self-report score, 198

lanoxin, xvii

laparoscopies, 181

laryngeal cancer, 161, 215, 222

lathosterol, 168

laxatives, xx, 147, 290. see also constipation

lectin, 293

Leeds anxiety questionnaire, 361

leg volume, 239, 250, 255, 256, 257, 372

Legalon®, 291, 293, 294, 295, 402

Leishmania donovani, 231

lemon balm, 276, 357, 363, 364, 376

lemon bioflavonoid, 314, 382

lettuce, 383

leucocyanidin, 325

leukemia, 30, 31, 101

leukocytes, 27, 28, 29, 33, 36, 37, 89, 223

leukopenia, 29

leukoplakia, 338, 347

leukosis, 90, 375

leukotrienes, 132, 373

levodopa, 265

levomenol, 59

LG-166/S, 314, 318, 402

LI-156, 357, 362, 364, 403

LI-160, 328, 331, 332, 333, 402

LI-1370, 192, 195, 196, 198, 400

libido, 216, 217, 225, 282, 313

lichenoid reaction, 302

Lichtwer Pharma AG, 162, 163, 192, 241, 303, 328, 357, 406

licorice, 273–283, 377, 383, 409

light sensitivity, associated with migraines, 142

light therapy, 333

lignans, 146

lily hypersensitivity, 381

limonene, 65, 113, 301

linalool, 113

linamarin, 147

linoleic acid (LA), 127, 147, 289

linolenic acid, 251

Linum usitatissimum, 143–152

linustatins, 147

lip swelling, 139


            apolipoproteins, 150, 167

            betalipoproteins, 384

            cholesterol, in milk thistle, 289

            cholesterol esters, 132

            cholesterol synthesis, 167, 168, 175

            HDL (high density lipoproteins) cholesterol

                        levels raised, 120, 157, 168, 169, 216, 347

                        levels unchanged, 150, 152, 167, 346, 349

            hypercholesterolemia (lipidemia)

                        and flax, 146

                        and garlic, 156, 161, 167–169

                        and hawthorn, 240

                        and Padma®28/Basic, 383, 384

                        and tea, 339

            hypocholesterolemia, 146, 346

            LDL (low density lipoproteins) cholesterol

                        reduced by eleuthero, 100

                        reduced by ephedra, 120

                        reduced by flax, 146, 147, 148, 150, 152

                        reduced by garlic, 167, 168, 169

                        reduced by tea, 346, 347

            lipid-lowering agents, 161, 240

            lipopolysaccharides (LPS), 30, 205

            liposterols in saw palmetto, 312

            in maternal milk, 127, 128, 134

            peroxidation, low density lipoproteins, 77, 157, 168, 282, 340, 341, 346

            peroxidation, non-specific lipids, 7, 29, 105, 158, 189, 277, 345

            peroxidation and liver damage, 290, 295

            phospholipids, 133

            total cholesterol (TC) reduced

                        by Asian ginseng, 216

                        by eleuthero, 100

                        by flax, 150, 152

                        by garlic, 157, 161, 167

                        by tea, 339, 346, 347, 349

            triglycerides (triacylglycerol)

                        component of flax, 147

                        component of saw palmetto, 312

                        GLA levels in, 132

                        and hepatitis, 294

                        levels reduced

                                    by Asian ginseng, 216

                                    by eleuthero, 100

                                    by ephedra, 120

                                    by garlic, 157, 168, 169

                                    by milk thistle, 289

                                    by Padma®28, 384

                                    by tea, 339, 347, 349

                        levels unchanged, 150, 152, 167, 346

lipoxygenase, 30, 313

Lipton® tea, 341, 346, 403

liquiritin, 277

lithiasis, 76, 77, 78, 83, 175, 302

Liv.52®, 367, 379–380

liver cancer, 128, 134, 157, 158, 276, 283

liver enzymes, 264, 265, 378

liver function. see also hepatic disorders

            compromised function, 290

            hepatic metabolism of drugs, 44

            indicators, 293

            liver excretion function, 294

            liver lecithin synthesis, 289

            liver metabolic performance, 294

LiverCare®, 379

Loges, 406

lotaustralin, 147

lumbosacral pain (dysmenorrhea), 12

lung cancer, 147, 215, 222, 338, 340, 341, 348

lung function (TCM theory), 215, 216

lungs. see respiratory tract conditions

lupus, 148

lupus erythematosus, systemic (SLE), 31, 146, 152, 369, 371, 373

lupus nephritis, 146, 152

luteal phase of menstrual cycle, 71, 151

luteinizing hormone (LH), 17, 18, 21, 65, 70, 314, 318

luteolin, 55, 301

lyaloside, 28

lymphoblasts, 30

lymphocytes, 142

            counts, as disease indicator, 94

            and liver disease, 293

            lymphocyte/neutrophil ratio, 28, 36

            proliferation, 29, 30, 38, 90, 101, 223

            and SLE, 373

            SOD activity, 289, 293

            subpopulations, 223

Lyssia GmbH, 358, 406

lytic fever, 32


macrophages, 29, 90, 158, 225

Madaus AG, 67, 91, 252, 291, 407

malic acid, 77, 113

malondialdehyde, 289, 293, 294, 295

malvidin, 7

mammary gland development, 340

mammary tumors. see breast cancer

Mann-Whitney test, 305

mannitol, 312

mannuronic acid, 147

maprotiline, 327, 332

marigold hypersensitivity, 55, 56, 90, 139

marker compounds, xxiii, 30

marshmallow root, 276

Martindale ginger, 400

Martindale Pharmaceuticals Pty. Ltd., 176, 181, 407

mastalgia, 64, 126, 128, 131, 217, 381

mastitis, 66

Mastodynon®, 381, 398

mastopathy, fibrocystic, 381

maté, 111

Matricaria recutita, 51–60

Matricaria spp., 54, 276

matricarin, 55

matricin, 55

Maxim-L®, 103, 105, 399

mechanisms of action, xxvii

Medexport, 103, 105, 399

medical education, xxi

MedWatch, xviii

melanin index, 333

melatonin, 139

melioidosis, 264

Melissa officinalis, 276, 354, 357, 376


            and cerebral insufficiency, 191, 197

            in diabetics, 222

            general, 224, 325

            impairment, 188, 195, 196, 205

            performance, 215, 271

            selective, 100, 102, 106

            short-term, 189, 195, 196

            visual memory, 189, 195

meningitis, cryptococcal, 157


            adynamia, 223

            asthenia, 223

            depression, 16, 18, 22, 223, 270

            dizziness, 223

            general, 21–22, 67, 214, 271, 324, 327

            headaches, 17, 223

            heart palpitations, 16, 18

            hot flashes, 16, 17, 21, 22, 128, 133, 263, 372

            irritability, 16

            mood disorder, 22

            motivation, 22

            nervousness, 16, 18, 22

            perimenopausal symptoms, 266

            psychological complaints, 18, 22, 334

            sleep disorders, 16, 18, 223

            tinnitus, 16, 18

            vertigo, 16, 17

            weariness, 22

menstrual cycle, luteal phase, 71, 151

menstrual cycle abnormalities. see also premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

            amenorrhea, 65, 66, 70, 381

            anovulatory cycles, 65, 70, 151

            cramps, 370, 373

            dysmenorrhea, 6, 8, 12, 16, 64

            menorrhagia, 70, 230

            oligomenorrhea, 70

            polymenorrhea, 12, 70

Mentha x piperita, 288, 297–308, 409, 411

menthofuran, 301

menthol, 301

menthone, 301

menthyl acetate, 301

mesenchymal reaction, 294

Metabolife-356®, 117, 120, 399

Metabolife International, Inc., 117, 407


            of drugs, 101, 326, 367

            energy, 216, 341, 345

            glucose, 355

            metabolic rate, 32, 44–45, 47

            and oxygen consumption, 120


            antimetabolite drugs, 101

            estrogen metabolites, 151

metastasis, 146, 148, 151

meteorosensitivity, 357

methicillin-resistant microbes, 325, 377

methotrexate, 90

methyl jasmonate, 89

methyl propyl disulfide, 158

methyl xanthines, 115

methylephedrine, 113

methylgallic acid, 345

methysticin, 263

metoclopramide, 66, 176, 181

metolazone, 278

metronidazole, 234

Mewes, 407

micturition. see urodynamics

migraines, 138, 139, 140, 142, 381. see also headaches

migrating motor complex, 307

milk and tea, interaction, 339, 345, 346

milk composition, 127, 128, 134

milk crust, 126

milk thistle, 285–295, 409, 410, 411

mineralocorticoid receptors, 283

Minophagen Pharmaceutical Co., 279, 407

MirtoSelect®, 8, 398

miscarriages, 64, 66

mitochondrial function, 277

mitraphylline, 28, 30

moclobemide, 115

monoamine oxidase (MAO) and ginkgo, 189

monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 263, 325

            drug interaction, 44, 114, 115, 190, 217

monomycin, 102

monopreparations, 366


            and aromatherapy, 57, 60

            and diabetes, 222

            in elderly, 189, 197

            menopausal, 22, 223

            mood-fatigue, 205, 206, 209, 224

            premenstrual, 70, 71

            sleep-related, 354, 357, 362

Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MMDQ), 71

motion sickness, 174, 176, 179, 180

Mountain Home Nutritionals, 407

mucilage, 55, 146, 147, 289

mucolytic effects, 301, 389

mucous membranes, 29, 43, 44, 54, 58, 59, 251, 300

multi-herb products. see herbal combinations

multiple sclerosis, 31, 90, 375

muscles. see also spasms

            calcium uptake in muscles, 175

            muscle strength, 175, 223, 378

            muscular contractions, 216, 301

            myalgia, 300, 324, 377

            myopathy, 377, 378

            neuromusculation, 147

            oxidative capacity of skeletal muscles, 216

            relaxants, 7, 55, 263, 301, 306, 307, 308, 313

            smooth muscles, 231, 301, 307, 313, 355

mushroom poisoning, 288, 289, 290, 295

mutagenic urine, 142


            antimutagenic effects, 27, 28, 29, 339

            chromosomal aberrations, 142

            photomutagenesis, 29

myalgia, 300, 324

Mycobacterium spp., 158

myoglobinuria, 278

myristic acid, 147

Myrtocyan®, 8, 11, 12, 398


naphthodianthrones, 325

narcotics toxicity, 288

Nardostachys jatamansii, 355

National Formulary, xvii

National Health Products, 117

National Institutes of Health (NIH), xxi

National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), 110

Natrol Inc., 266, 407

Natural Health Science, 407

natural killer (NK) cells

            activity stimulated, 90, 96, 158, 162, 170, 216, 377

            increased numbers, 101, 105, 223

NaturalMax Co., 116

Nature’s Way Products, Inc., 192, 357, 376, 387, 407

Nature’s Way® valerian, 357, 362, 403

naturopathic physicians, xvi, 435


            with dyspepsia, 174, 183, 307

            with liver disease, 264, 293, 295

            with migraines, 138, 140, 142

            postoperative, 174, 176, 181, 305

            prophylaxis, 181

nausea as adverse effect

            black cohosh, 18

            cat’s claw, 31

            chaste tree, 66, 69

            ephedra, 115

            evening primrose, 128

            feverfew, 140

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 378

            horse chestnut, 251

            Mastodynon®, 381

            saw palmetto, 313

neem, 383

negative bias toward herbal medicine, xxv, 409

nephropathy. see renal/kidney disorders

neral, 174

nervous conditions

            agitation, 66, 114, 115

            excitability, 356

            menopausal nervousness, 16, 18, 22

            nervous excitation, 115, 354

            nervousness as adverse effect, 115, 217, 340

            premenstrual nervousness, 71

            restless legs, 361

            restlessness, 114, 263, 270, 355, 361, 376

nervous system modulators

            drug interactions, 102, 127, 128, 190, 265, 326, 356


                        adrenocorticotropic agents, 277

                        antispasmodics, 55, 190, 263, 295, 355

                        CNS depressants, 55, 265, 357

                        CNS stimulants, 113, 339, 340

                        dopamine, 65, 66, 115, 251, 265, 325

                        epinephrine, 47, 121, 169, 240

                        muscle relaxants, 7, 55, 263, 301, 306, 307, 308, 313

                        norepinephrine, 47, 116

                        opioid analgesics, 305

                        physical sedatives, 30, 32, 55, 64, 263, 301, 376

                        serotonergic effects, 325

                        sympathomimetic effects, 113, 115, 116


                        antidepressants, 190, 216, 324, 325, 326, 355

                        antipsychotic drugs, 102

                        anxiety reduction, 245, 266, 270, 331, 333, 357, 361

                        anxiolytics, 55, 216, 263, 265, 266

                        barbiturates, 102, 265, 356

                        benzodiazepines, 265, 270, 354, 355, 356, 357, 363

                        diazepam, 22, 181, 355, 357, 361

                        hypnotic effects, 265, 355

                        mental sedatives, 100, 101, 325, 354, 355, 357, 361, 364,
            374, 378

                        psychopharmacological drugs, 265, 290, 295

                        relaxants, mental, 308

                        selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 188, 190,
            199, 327, 331

                        sleep-promoting agents, 354, 374, 376, 378

                        stimulant use, 216

                        withdrawal symptoms, 355, 356, 363

nettles, 314, 382, 387

neural function

            desensitization of sensory neurons, 43

            effects on afferent neurons, 49

            glutamate-induced neuronal death, 30

            nerve conduction, 127, 134

            nerve-damaging effects, 43

            neural irritants, 44

            neuromusculation, 147

            neuroprotection, 263

            neurotransmitters, 43, 147, 325

neuro-cardiac stability, 355

neurological conditions. see also neurosensory conditions

            diabetic neuropathy, 42, 49, 126, 128, 133, 134

            hemiplegia, 377

            meningitis, 157

            multiple sclerosis, 31, 90, 375

            neuralgia, 42, 43, 45, 48, 300

            neurodermatitis, 54, 59, 90

            neuropathic bladder, 78, 81, 82

            nonspecific neurological disorders, 56, 224

            notalgia paresthetica, 45, 50

            paralysis, 377, 378

            paresthesia, 12, 134, 255

            polyneuropathy, 45, 48

            surgical neuropathic pain, 48

Neuroplant®, 403

neurosensory conditions. see also pain; pruritus/itching; vision

            abnormal sensations (see paresthesia)

            algesimetric parameters, 308

            anesthetics, 263

            aromatherapy, 60

            auditory disturbances, 102

            auditory reaction time, 224

            bright light therapy, 333

            burning sensation, 49, 302

            cold/heat sensations, 134, 301

            deafness, 188, 191, 199

            disjunctive reaction time, 224

            light sensitivity, associated with migraines, 142

            meteorosensitivity (weather), 357

            noise sensitivity, associated with migraines, 142

            numbness, 134, 383

            olfactory stimulation, 57, 60, 308

            paresthesia, 12, 45, 50, 134, 255

            sensory-motor function, 224

            sensory neuron desensitization, 43

            signal detectability, 100, 106, 308

            tinnitus, 16, 18, 188, 189, 191, 197, 198

            tonometric (pressure) sensitivity, 258

            trail making test, 196

            vertigo, 16, 17, 18, 180, 188, 238

            visual reaction time, 196, 224

neutrophils, 28, 36, 94, 101, 105, 139, 383

New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, 238

Newcastle disease, 301

nicergoline, 191, 199

nicotine-induced striatal dopamine release, 216

night-blooming cereus, 355, 357

nighttime flushes, 133

nitric oxide generation, 216

nitrite production, 203

nitroglycerin tablets, 384

nitrosamine activity, 339

nitrosoproline formation, 339

nocturia, 244, 313, 314, 317, 318, 324

noise sensitivity, associated with migraines, 142

nomenclature, botanical, xix

nondisclosure of CAM therapy use, xxii–xxiii

nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 27, 29, 36, 128, 132, 134

noradrenaline uptake, 325

norephedrine, 113

norepinephrine, 47, 116

notalgia paresthetica, 45, 50

Novartis Consumer Health AG, 407

Novo-Baldriparan, 358, 363, 403

Novo-Nordisk A/S, 358, 407

nuclear jaundice, 231

numbness, 134, 383

nurses, xvi, 437

nursing home patients, 82

nursing (infants). see lactation

Nutraceutical Corporation, 78, 116, 315, 407

Nutrilite®, 407

Nutrilite® Saw Palmetto with Nettle Root, 315, 318, 382, 402


obesity, 112, 114, 341, 349

obsessive-compulsive disorder, 324, 327, 334

Ocean Spray® Cranberries, Inc., 78, 407

Ocean Spray® Cranberry, 398

odontalgia, 50

odors, 160, 305

Oenothera biennis, 123–134

Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), xxi

Office of Women’s Health (OWH), 111

oleanane-type saponins, 215

oleanolic acid, 28, 205, 239

oleic acid, 127, 147, 289

oleoresin, 42, 174

olfactory stimulation, 57, 60, 308

oligoglycosides, 205

omega-3 fatty acids, 146, 150

Omega Nutripharm, 103, 407

omeprazole, 78

onions, sensitivity to, 160

ophthalmic conditions

            allergic conjunctivitis, 55

            cataracts, 6

            conjunctival congestion, 234

            corneoretinal resting potential, 200

            day blindness, 6

            dry eyes, 126

            eye irritants, 44

            glaucoma, 114, 115, 116

            hyphema, 190

            macular degeneration, 6, 192

            mydriasis, 217

            nystagmus, 180

            ocular infections, 230, 231, 232, 234

            ophthalmology, 106

            pupillary reaction, 11, 234

            retinal hemorrhage, 6, 11

            retinal vascular disorder, 369, 370, 372

            retinitis pigmentosa, 6

            retinopathy, 6, 8, 11, 369, 371, 372

            saccadic eye movements, 200

            trachoma, 230, 231, 232, 234

opioid analgesics, 305

oral cancer, 347

oral conditions

            aphthous ulcers, 276, 279, 282

            burning-mouth syndrome, 302

            cold sores, 375

            contact sensitivity, 302

            dry mouth, 66, 205

            dry throat, 205

            glossodynia, 59

            halitosis, 160

            leukoplakia, 338, 347

            lip swelling, 139

            mucosal inflammation, 139, 300

            odontalgia, 50

            oral cancer, 347

            sore throats, 95, 276

            stomatitis, 56, 59, 276

            throat inflammations, 54

            tongue spasms, 302

            tongue swelling, 139

            ulceration, as adverse effect, 139, 302

Oregon Board of Naturopathic Examiners, xvi

organosulfur compounds (OSC), 157, 158

orphan nuclear receptor, 326


            in hands, 49

            joint tenderness, 42, 49, 50

            in knee, 26, 27, 28, 32, 36, 182

            pain from activity, 28, 32, 36, 182

            pain reduction, 42, 45, 49, 50, 386

            potential treatment, 26, 27, 174, 176

            range of motion, 49

osteogenic sarcoma cells, 127

osteoporosis, 146, 152, 338, 341, 349

otitis, 105, 375

ovarian cancer, 30, 215, 222

ovarian dysfunction, 16, 21, 66, 151

ovariectomized patients, 18, 19

over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, xix, xx, xxvii, 42, 110, 113, 114

overviews of herbs, xxvi

Ovestin®, 21

oxalic acid, 113

oxazepam, 270, 271, 362

oxerutin, 255

oxidation-reduction potential, fecal, 349

oxidative metabolism of drugs, 326

oxidative stress, 150, 289

oxygen consumption. see also respiration

            and American ginseng, 204, 206, 209

            and Asian ginseng, 222, 223, 224, 225

            and eleuthero, 105

            and ephedra, 120

            and ephedra/caffeine, 115–116

            and hawthorn, 244, 245

oxytocin, 116, 133


Padma®28/Padma® Basic, 367, 383–384

Padma AG, 383, 407


            abdominal, 128, 139, 239, 264, 305, 373

            algesimetric parameters, 308

            analgesics, 42, 263, 301, 305, 308

            anti-nociceptives, 139

            breast, 64, 126, 128, 131, 217, 381

            chest, 102, 238, 239

            childbirth, 57, 60

            chronic, 42

            fibromyalgia, 42, 45, 50, 354

            glossodynia, 59

            leg, 250, 256, 370

            muscle, 300, 324, 377

            neuralgia, 42, 43, 45, 48, 300

            postoperative, 42

            pregnancy, 12

            premenstrual, 71, 372

            reduction, 43, 45, 50

            sensitivity, 308

            substance P, 43

palmitic acid, 127, 147, 251, 289

Panax ginseng, 100, 204, 211–225, 377, 410

Panax japonicus, 218

Panax quinquefolius, 201–209, 216

Panax vietnamensis, 218

panaxynol, 205

pancreatic b-cell function, 189

pancreatic cancer, 215, 222, 338, 341, 348

pansinusitis, 170

papaverine, 190, 240

paprika, 42

Paracetamol, 308

paralysis. see neurological conditions

parasites, 158, 175, 231, 234

paresthesia, 12, 45, 50, 134, 255

pargyline, 115

Parkinson symptoms, 265

parthenolide, 138, 139

Passiflora spp., 354, 361

patient counseling, xxii

Patient Information Sheet, xxix

pau d’arco, 409

Paullinia spp., 111, 116, 361

pelvic pain (dysmenorrhea), 12

pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POAs), 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33

pentobarbital, 355

peonidin, 7, 77

peppermint, 288, 297–308, 409, 411

pepsin, 55

percent daily value, xxiv

performance enhancing agents. see athletic performance

Performance Status (PS) scale, 377

Perika®, 403

peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD)

            and garlic, 156, 162, 170

            and ginkgo, 188, 189, 191, 192, 197

            and Padma®28, 383, 384

Periploca sepium, 102

permeability, capillary, 7, 190, 251

permeability, hepatocyte membrane, 294

permeability, vascular, 7, 11

Permixon®, 313, 314, 315, 317, 402

peroxynitrite, 29

perspiration, 16, 17, 113, 361, 377. see also hot flashes

Peruvian pepper, 42

petunidin, 7

pH, fecal, 339, 349

pH in digestive tract, 339

phagocytosis, 30, 89, 90, 101, 105, 139, 223

Pharbio Medical International AB, 407

Pharbio Medical Suerigie, 358

Pharma-Inter-Med GmbH, 103, 407

Pharma Nord A.p.S., 192, 407

Pharmacia Corporation, 407

pharmacists, xvi, 439

pharmacological actions, xxvii

Pharmaton Natural Health Products, 219, 222, 358, 407

phenelzine, 115, 217

phenolic acids, 339, 370

phenothiazines, 127, 128, 290, 295

phenylpropanolamine, 114

pheochromocytoma, 114

phlegm mixed with blood, 205

phlegm (TCM theory), 205

phloroglucinol, 325

phosphatase activity, 152

photodamage protection, 90

photopheresis, 183

phototoxicity, 325, 326, 333

physicians, xvi, 433

Physostigma venenosum, xvii

physostigmine, xvii

Phytodolor®, 385–386

phytoestrogens, 151

phytohemagglutinin (PHA), 29, 36

Phytotrim®, 341, 403

Pierre Fabre Médicament, 315, 407

Pimenta dioica, 383

Pimpinella anisum, 276

pinene, 65, 139

Pinus pinaster, 369–373

Piper methysticum, 259–271, 409, 410

piquin, 42

piris, 42

piroxicam, 386

PKC-167/79, 219, 223, 401

Plantago arenaria, xx

Plantago lanceolata, 383

plantain, 383

plaque, atherosclerotic, 156, 158, 161, 162, 169

plasma. see blood

platelet aggregation

            and coronary disease, 182

            decreased, 7, 147, 150, 157, 174, 175

            and hypercholesterolemia, 169

            inhibited, 30, 32, 369, 370, 371, 373

            and juvenile ischemia, 168

            normalized, 370

            and PAOD, 170, 384

            unaffected, 176

            in vitro, 231


            antiplatelet agents, 7, 140, 160, 161, 190

            platelet activating factor (PAF), 139, 189

            platelet composition, 150

            platelet counts, 176, 182, 216

            platelet function, 156, 160, 161, 169

plethysmography, 198

pneumococcus vaccine, 27, 28, 33, 36

pneumonia. see respiratory tract conditions

Podophyllum peltatum, xvii

Polcopharma F. Polley & Co., 266, 407

polio virus, 77

pollakiuria, 318

polyacetylenes, 89, 215

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon activity, 339

Polygonum aviculare, 383

PolyMedica Corp., 78, 407

polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 223, 289

polypectomy, 306

polyphenols, 28, 338, 339, 346

polysaccharides, 101

polysomnography, 362, 363

Populus tremula, 385

portal hypertension, 293

postoperative bleeding. see hemorrhage/bleeding

postprandial glycemia, 204, 205, 206, 209

potassium levels, 278, 378

Potentilla aurea, 383

prednisolone, 217


            ability to conceive, 69, 70, 381

            arrest of descent, in childbirth, 133

            birth weights, 96, 133, 278, 282

            fetal development, 65, 96, 147

            fetal distress, 96

            fetotoxicity, 356

            gestation time, 133

            gestational safety, 91, 217

            hyperemesis gravidarum, 181

            labor, 57, 60, 128, 133

            miscarriages, 64

            morning sickness, 174

            phlebopathies, 12

            placenta expulsion, 64

            premature births, 278, 279, 282

            safety of echinacea, 96

            safety of ginseng, 217

            spontaneous abortions, 96

            teratogenicity, 102

pregnancy as contraindication

            chaste tree, 65–66

            ephedra, 114

            Euvegal®, 376

            feverfew, 139

            Hochu-ekki-to®, 378

            kava, 264

            licorice, 278

            Phytodolor®, 385

            Pycnogenol®, 371

            Sinupret®, 388

            St. John’s wort, 326

            valerian, 356

pregnancy contraindications, xxvii

pregnane X receptor, 326

premature ejaculation, 225

PreMens® Ze440, 67, 70, 71, 398

premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

            and black cohosh, 16

            and chaste tree, 64, 66, 69–71

            and evening primrose, 126, 128, 131

            and Mastodynon®, 381

            and Pycnogenol®, 372

            and St. John’s wort, 324, 327

premenstrual tension syndrome (PMTS) scale, 71

prescription drugs, xxvii

Presomen®, 21

Prevention magazine, xviii, xix

primroses, 388

Primula veris, 276, 388

Princeton Survey Research Associates, xviii, xix

PRO 160/120®, 314, 315, 319, 402

proanthocyanidins, 7, 77, 113, 325, 339

procarbazine, 115

procollagen, 222, 289, 293, 295

procyanidins, 28, 30, 239, 369, 370

product brands, xxiii, xxviii

Prof. Dr. Much AG, 357, 407

Profile of Mood States (POMS), 22

progesterone, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 282. see also hormones

prolactin, 17, 18, 21, 65, 66, 69, 225, 333. see also hormones; hyperprolactinemia

proliferation cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), 347

properties of herbs (TCM theory), 366

proprietary products, xxix, 366–392

Propulsid, 307

propylene sulfide, 158

Proscar, 314

ProstActive™, 387, 402

prostaglandins, 127, 132, 139, 251, 347

Prostagutt®, 315, 317, 319, 387, 402

prostanoids, 127, 132

Prostaserene®, 315, 317, 402

prostate cancer

            as contraindication, 313, 314

            and flax, 146, 147, 148, 152

            and garlic, 158

            growth inhibition, 152, 158, 216, 289

            increased apoptosis, 146, 148, 152

            and milk thistle, 289

            risk reduction, 317

prostate enlargement, 114, 312. see also benign prostatic hyperplasia

prostate-specific antigen (PSA), 152, 314, 317

protease inhibitors, 326

proteinuria, 147

proteolytic activity of pepsin, 55

Proteus spp., 102, 158

prothrombin, 293, 326

protocatechic acid, 370

Prozac®, 327

prozacin, 313


            as adverse effect, 66, 251, 381

            psoriasis, 42, 49

            uremic skin conditions, 132

            varicosis, 257

            venous insufficiency, 12, 250, 255, 256, 372

pseudoephedrine, 110, 113, 114

pseudoepithelia hyperplasia (PEH), 83

pseudoginsenosides, 205, 216

Pseudomonas spp., 77, 231, 301

psoralen (8-MOP) therapy, 183

psoriasis, 42, 45, 49, 370

psoriatic arthritis, 128, 132

psychiatric conditions as contraindications, 114, 340

psychiatric/psychological conditions. see affective (emotional) disorders; behavior; cognition; neurosensory conditions; psychomotor conditions

psychological function testing, 60, 106, 195, 206, 218, 224

psychomotor conditions. see also spasms

            activity levels, 106

            ambulation, 355

            chronic fatigue syndrome, 100, 377

            coordination/ataxia, 30, 224, 265, 355

            driving impairment, 356, 357, 364

            motor restlessness, 115

            muscle relaxants, 7, 55, 263, 301, 306, 307, 308, 313, 325

            operating machinery, impairment, 357, 364

            paralysis, 377, 378

            psychomotor performance testing, 195, 206, 224

            seizures, 114, 115, 127, 128, 190, 326

            tremors, 115, 340

psychophysiological insomnia, 362

Psychotonin-M, 327

psyllium, xx

Pterocarpus santalinus, 383

pteropodine, 28, 30

pulegone, 301

pulse, 113, 115, 120, 215, 238, 244

pulse wave velocity, 162, 169

pumpkin seeds, 382

Pure-Gar®, 162–163, 167, 400

PureWorld Botanicals, Inc., 266

purpuras, 6

Pycnogenol®, 369–373, 409, 411

pyrethrin, 139

pyridinoline, 17

pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), 90

pyrrolketone, 355

pyuria, 77, 78, 82


qi (TCM theory), 101, 205, 215, 216

quality of life. see well-being/quality of life

quercetin, 55, 89, 189, 239, 325

quercitrin, 325

Quest Vitamins, 128, 133, 399, 407

Quindao Fengyi Biotechnology Ltd., 192, 408

quinic acid, 77

quinoline alkaloids, 231

quinone reductase, 339

quinovic acid, 28, 30

quinovic glycosides, 28

quinqueginsin, 205, 206

quinquenosides, 205


racemoside, 17


            gamma, 101

            mucositis from, 54

            protectants, 101, 102, 216

            radiotherapy, 27, 29, 33, 37, 59, 100, 158, 375

            solar-simulated, 333

            ultraviolet (UV), 27, 29, 158

Radix ginseng, 214, 217

ragweed hypersensitivity, 55, 90, 139

rashes, 66, 69, 378

rational phytotherapy, xxiii

Rauvolfia serpentina, xvii

Raynaud’s disease, 8, 12, 126

reaction time, 196, 224, 266, 270, 271, 357, 364

red pepper, 42

red saunders, 383

ReDormin®, 363, 403

reflux, gastroesophageal, 251, 302

regulation of herbal products, xix

regulatory status of herbs, xxviii

REM sleep, 271, 355, 362

Remifemin®, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 398

Remotiv®, 327, 328, 331, 402, 403

renal cancer, 158

renal/kidney disorders

            capillary fragility, 6

            as contraindication, 78, 231, 277, 340

            glomerulosclerosis, 147

            nephritis, 112, 146, 152

            nephrolithiasis, 76, 77, 78, 83

            nephropathy, 127, 252

            renal failure, 31, 114, 251, 252

            renal insufficiency, 78, 277

renshen, 215, 216

Reparil®, 252, 401

reproduction. see also fertility; hormones; menstrual cycle abnormalities; pregnancy

            aphrodisiacs, 215

            coitus frequency, 225

            contraceptives, 8, 12, 26, 66, 326

            corpus luteum abnormalities, 64, 66, 69, 70, 381

            ejaculation volume, 319

            ejaculatory disturbances, 225, 313, 317

            erectile function, 216, 225, 313, 319

            frigidity, 215

            gonadal function, 279, 283

            gynecological disorders, non-specific, 64

            impotence, general, 215, 377

            impotence as adverse effect, 313, 317

            libido, 216, 217, 225, 283, 313

            ovarian dysfunction, 16, 21, 66, 151

            sexual dysfunction as contraindication, 283

            sexual dysfunction from antidepressant use, 188, 190, 191, 199

            sexuality, 334

            sperm quality, 147, 225, 369, 370

reserpine, xvii

reserpine-induced hypothermia, 355

Resistan®, 92, 95, 96, 399

respiration. see also oxygen consumption

            expiratory flow, 198, 225

            respiratory endurance, 205

            respiratory exchange ratio, 105, 222

            respiratory quotients, 47, 224, 345

respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), 271

respiratory tract conditions. see also asthma; bronchitis; common colds

            bronchoconstriction, 44, 139, 189

            bronchodilation, 112, 113, 115, 216, 341

            bronchospasms, 112, 388

            catarrh, 156, 205, 276, 300, 366

            chronic infections, 215, 225, 375, 383, 384

            chronic inflammations, 388

            decongestants, 389

            ergospirometry, 244

            flu-like symptoms, 94

            influenza, 90, 91, 100, 105, 325

            laryngeal cancer, 161, 215, 222

            laryngitis, 276

            lung cancer, 147, 215, 222, 338, 340, 341, 348

            nasal congestion, 112

            pharyngitis, 276, 375

            pneumonia, 105

            pulmonary complications during radiotherapy, 276, 279, 283

            pulmonary edema, 278

            pulmonary function, 198, 215, 225, 370, 371, 373

            pulmonary tuberculosis, 44

            respiratory arrest, 302

            respiratory paralysis, 30

            rhinitis, 94, 95, 112, 156, 160

            rhinopathy, chronic, 42

            sinusitis, 105, 112, 170, 375, 388, 389

            upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), 88, 91, 94–96, 366

            ventilation, 204, 209, 388


            as adverse effect, 115, 340

            as contraindication, 114

            premenstrual, 71

            restless legs, 361

            treatment with Euvegal®, 376

            treatment with kava, 263, 270

            treatment with valerian, 354, 361

rete ridge flattening, 133

reticuloendothelial system (RES) cells, 30

retinopathy. see under ophthalmic conditions

Rey Test, 195

reynosin, 139

rhamnetin, 55, 189

rhamnose, 147, 370

rhamnosides, 239

Rhamnus purshiana, xx

rheumatic disease, 386

rheumatic heart disease, 102

rheumatoid arthritis. see under arthritis

rhodopsin, 7

rhynchophylline, 28, 29, 30

Ribes nigrum, 128

rigidity (erectile), 216, 225

risk-benefit assessments, xxi

Ritchie Index, 33, 37

RNA polymerase, 158, 289

Roche Nicholas SA, 357, 408

Rökan®, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 400

rosmarinic acid, 301

rotundifuran, 65

rubefacients, 43

Rumex spp., 388

rupture of membranes, during childbirth, 133

rutin, 239, 325

rutoside, 89


S-allylcysteine (SAC), 157, 158, 161

S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), 158, 159

Sabal serrulata, 312

SabalSelect™, 402

Saccade test, 196

Saccharomyces bayanus, 77

Saemaul Kongjang, 45, 47, 398

safety of ephedra, 110–112, 116, 120

safety of herbal products, xviii–xix, xxviii, 366

safety of kava, 262, 271

safety performance, 270

safety ratings, xxviii

Saila Licorice Root Tablets, 279, 283, 401

Saila S.p.A., 279, 408

salicin, 385

salicylate hypersensitivity, 385

salicylic acid, 17

Salmonella spp., 158, 384

Salvia sclarea, 57

Sambucus nigra, 388

Sanofi Synthelabo, 315, 408

santamarin, 139

Sapec®, 163, 167, 168, 400

sapogenins, 277

sapogenols, 251

saponins, 157

saquinavir, 160

Saussurea costus, 383

Saventaro®, 398

saw palmetto, 309–319, 387, 409

SCAG questionnaire, 224

SCAG scale, 195, 197

scars. see cicatrizing activity

Schaper & Brümmer GmbH & Co., 19, 67, 92, 375, 408

Schering-Plough, 45, 408

schistosomes, 175

schizophrenic patients, 127

Schwabe, 408

scopolamine, xvii, 179, 205

Scotia Cream, 128, 133, 399

Scotia Pharmaceuticals Ltd., 128, 408

sea sickness, 179, 180

seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 324, 327, 333

secale alkaloid derivatives, 116

secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), 147

Secretary of Health and Human Services, xx


            antisecretory effects, 127

            secretolytic agents, 277, 301, 388

Sedariston®, 358, 361, 403

sedation as adverse effect, 32

sedative effects

            cat’s claw, 30, 32

            chamomile, 55

            chaste tree, 64

            eleuthero, 100, 101

            kava, 263, 265

            peppermint, 301

            St. John’s wort, 325

            valerian, 354, 355, 357, 361, 364

sedative-herb interactions, 102, 356

sedatives, 30, 55, 64, 100, 101, 102, 263, 265, 301, 325, 354, 355, 356, 357, 361, 364

            as adverse effect, 32

Sedonium®, 358, 362, 403

seizure disorders contraindicated, 114

seizure medication interactions, 127, 128, 190, 326

seizures as adverse effects, 115

selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), 21

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 188, 190, 199, 327, 331

selegiline, 115

Selenicereus grandiflorus, 355, 357

Self-Assessment Depression scale, 22

Semliki Forest virus, 301

Senna alexandrina, xx

sensory conditions. see neurosensory conditions

Serenoa repens, 309–319, 382, 387

Serenoa serrulata, 309–319

serotonergic effects, 325

serotonin, 139, 325. see also selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

sertraline, 331

serving size, xxiv

sesquiphellandrene, 174

sesquiterpenes, 55, 139

Seven Seas Ltd., 162, 408

sexual dysfunction, 188, 190, 191, 199, 282, 313. see also reproduction

sexuality, 334

SG-291, 315, 402

Shigella spp., 102

shingles, 42

shogaols, 174

shortness of breath. see dyspnea/shortness of breath

Siberian ginseng, 100, 204, 218

sickle cell anemia, 157, 158

Sidroga GmbH, 408

signal detectability, 100, 106, 308

SIL-2R release, 96

Siliphos®, 291, 402

silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR), 347

silybin, 289

Silybum marianum, 285–295, 409, 410

silychristin, 289

silydianin, 289

silymarin, 289, 290

Sinupret®, 366, 388–389

sinusitis, 105, 112, 170, 375, 388

sister chromatid exchanges, 142

sitosterol, 28, 30, 127, 147, 251, 277, 289, 325, 355

Sjögren’s syndrome, 126

SK-MEL cells, 30

SK-OV-3 cells, 30

skin cancer, 127, 289

skin disorders. see dermatological conditions

sleep. see also insomnia

            menopausal sleep disorders, 16, 18, 223

            morning sleepiness, 356

            nonpsychiatric sleep disorders, 357

            sleep behavior in cardiac patients, 245

            sleep disorders, non-specific, 263, 355

            sleep disorders as adverse effect, 102, 115, 217, 334, 340, 356

            sleep-promoting (soporific) agents, 354, 374, 376, 378

            sleep quality, 189, 266, 362, 363, 364

            somnolence, 265

sleep structure

            REM sleep, 271

            sleep latency, 271, 362, 363, 364

            sleep onset, 271, 333

            sleep time, 325

            slow wave sleep, 271, 362, 363

slippery elm, xx

Slone Survey, xviii, xix

smokers, 225, 364

sodium bicarbonate, 116

sodium nitrate, 240

sodium retention, 278

Solanum nigrum, 379

Solaray® CranActin®, 79, 81, 398

Solaray® ephedra, 117, 120, 399

Solaray® saw palmetto, 315, 319, 402

solid tumor growth, 339, 340

Solidago virgaurea, 385

soluble CD8 antigen, 223

Solvay Arzneimittel GmbH, 358, 408

Songha Night®, 358, 363, 403

sore throats, 95, 276

sorrel, 388

soy, 409


            anticonvulsants, 190, 263, 295, 355

            antispasmodics, 55, 263, 370

            during barium enema, 300, 302, 305

            bile ducts, 300

            bronchospasms, 112, 388

            during colonoscopy, 300

            gallbladder, 300

            gastrointestinal, 54, 300, 301, 355

            muscle cramps, 12, 250, 257, 370, 372, 383

            seizures, 114, 115, 326

            spastic colon syndrome, 306

            susceptibility to, 340

            tongue, 302

            vasospasms, 190

Special Nutritionals/Adverse Event Monitoring System (SN/AEMS), xviii

speciophylline, 28

sperm counts, 225

sperm quality, 147, 225, 369, 370

spiked ginger lily, 383

spinal epidural hematoma, 160

spinasterol, 251

spirulina, 409

Spitzner GmbH, 192, 408

spleen function (TCM theory), 101, 215, 216

splenocytes, 29

squamous cell cancer, 338, 348

St. John’s wort, 321–334, 357, 409, 411

stable-plaque psoriasis, 128, 132

stamina, 102, 105

standardization of herbal products, xix, xxiii, xxiv

standardized common names, xxiv

Staphylococcus spp., 77, 158, 231, 301, 325, 377

statements of nutritional support, xx, xxiv, 368

stearic acid, 127, 147, 251

STEI-300, 328, 402

Steigerwald, 385, 408

Steiner Arzneimittel, 328, 358, 408

steroid-induced epidermal thinning, 133

steroid saponins, 157

steroidal drugs, 128

stigmasterol, 28, 30, 147, 251, 277, 289

stimulant use, 216

stomach cancer risk reduction

            Asian ginseng, 215, 222

            cayenne, 44, 47

            garlic, 156, 157, 158, 161, 162, 170

            tea, 339, 341, 348

storage of herbal products, xxv

Strathmann AG, 67, 315, 408

Streptococcus spp., 158, 231

stress, 101, 102, 105, 263

stress, daily, 270

stress, oxidative, 150, 289

stress, physical, 215

stress management, 305

stress reduction, 101

striatal dopamine release, 216

Strogen®, 315, 317, 402

strokes, 115, 341

stroma, prostatic, 313

Stronger Neo Minophagen-C, 279, 283, 401

Strotan®, 67, 69, 70, 398

structure/function claims, xxiv, 368

subcortical center stimulation, 205

subgingival microbiota, 77

substance P, 43

sulfacetamide, 234

sulfide, fecal, 339, 349

sulindac, 341

superoxide dismutase (SOD), 289, 293, 370

Supplement Facts panel, xx, xxiv

surgery, 160, 189

surgery, presurgical patients, 139, 189

surgery adjuvants, 33, 37

surgical bleeding, 6, 8, 12

surgical narcotics toxicity, 288, 295

sweating. see perspiration

sweet cravings, premenstrual, 71

swelling of soft tissue. see edema

swine erysipelas, 301

sympathomimetic effects of ephedra, 113, 115, 116

Symphona®, 400

Syndrom-Kurztest, 195

synergistic effects (TCM theory), 215

synovial fluid, 49

Synthelabo-Pharma SA, 8, 408

syringin, 101

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 31, 146, 152, 369, 371, 373

systolic blood pressure reduction

            by ephedra, 114

            by garlic, 157, 161, 162, 167, 168

            by hawthorn, 244

            by Pycnogenol®, 373

            by tea, 347

systremma, nocturnal, 250

Syzygium aromaticum, 383


T-cells, 95, 96, 101, 102, 105, 293

T4 cells, 38, 223

T8 cells, 38

T-cells, suppressor, 277

T-helper cells, 90

tabasco pepper, 42

tachycardia, 66, 114, 115, 234, 278, 361. see also heart rate

tachygastria, 180

tachyphylaxis, 113

tacrine, 295

Taigutan®, 103, 105, 399

Talso®, 315, 318, 402

Tamarisk gallica, 379

tamoxifen, 17, 18, 21, 128, 131, 341

tamsulosin, 313

Tanacetum parthenium, 135–142

Tanakan®, 192, 196, 197, 198, 400

tannins, 7, 28, 139

taxifolin, 370

Taxol®, xvii

Taxus brevifolia, xvii

tea, black/green, 115, 335–349, 409

Tebonin®, 192, 195, 197, 200, 400

Tegens®, 8, 11, 12, 398

Tegra®, 163, 167, 400

Tegretol®, 326

tension, 270, 361

tension in legs, 255, 256

terazosin, 265

Terminalia spp., 379, 383

terpene glycosides, 205

terpene lactones, 189

terpenes, 139

terpineol, 113

terpinyl acetate, 65

testosterone. see also hormones

            and Asian ginseng, 225

            and flax, 148, 152

            and licorice, 277, 282

            metabolism, 313

            and saw palmetto, 314, 317, 318

tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids (TOAs), 26, 27, 28, 29, 32

tetracycline, 234

tetrahydroalstonine, 28

tetrahydrocortisol, 283

Texas Medical Association, xiv, xv, xvi, 110

Texas Nurses Association, xvi

Texas Pharmacy Association, xvi

theaflavine, 339

thearubigins, 339

theobromine, 339

theophylline, 44, 115, 240, 326, 339, 341

Therabel Research, 315, 408

therapeutic claims, 368

Therapeutic Goods, xx

thermogenesis, 112, 113, 115, 121, 216, 339, 345

thiazide diuretics, 190, 278

thioacetamide damage, 289

thiopental, 355

thiosulfinates, 157, 158

thirst, 215

Thisilyn®, 402

thrombin, 48

thrombosis. see also anticoagulants; platelets

            antithrombotic effects, 48, 139, 157, 158, 161, 189, 263

            as contraindication, 251

            phlebothrombosis, 257

            thromboembolisms, 199, 251

            thrombophlebitis, 12, 257

            thrombus formation, 157, 231, 370

thromboxanes, 127, 158, 182, 231, 370, 373

Thuja occidentalis, 89, 92, 375

thymic extracts, intravenous, 32

thyroid disorders, 114, 116, 222, 340

thyrotoxicosis, 114

Tibetan medicine, 367

Tillots Pharma AG, 279, 302, 408

tinnitus, 16, 18, 188, 189, 191, 197, 198

tocopherol, 289

tongue spasms, 302

tongue swelling, 139

tonics, 214

tonometric sensitivity, 258

Toulouetes test, 224

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), 101, 112, 204, 205, 215, 216, 366

Traditional Herbal Medicines (THMs), xx

Traditional Medicinals, Inc., 91, 408

traditional medicine systems, 366

trail making test, 196

tranquilizers, 101

transaminases, 294, 295

transcapillary filtration, 251, 257

transcription factor NF-kB, 30

transepidermal water loss, 132

transplant recipients, 31

transplant rejection, 190, 326

transplants, organ, 31, 190

tranylcypromine, 115

trauma, cranial, 250, 258

trazodone, 190, 225

tricyclic antidepressants, 327, 334

triglycerides. see under lipids

Trisequens®, 21

triterpene glycosides, 16, 17

TRUW Arzneimittel Vertriebs GmbH, 92, 408

Tsumura & Co., 377, 408

tuberculosis, 31, 44, 90, 375, 377

tubocurarine, xvii

tulips, sensitivity to, 160

tumescence (erectile), 216, 225

tumor inhibitors

            in animals, 43, 89, 127, 157, 158, 216, 289, 339–340

            cancer treatment adjuncts, 27, 33, 37, 100, 191, 232

            in humans, antiproliferation, 146, 147

            in humans, cancer prevention, 156, 161, 162, 170, 215, 218, 222, 338, 341, 348

            in vitro, 29, 77, 90, 127, 158, 175, 216, 251, 289

tumor necrosis factor (TNF), 29, 30, 31, 158, 277

Twinings, 342, 408

Twinings® tea, 342, 346, 403

tyramine levels, 232

tyrosine, 355


ulceration, 55


            alcohol-induced, 56

            as contraindication, 114

            dermal, 251

            duodenal, 47, 276, 279, 282

            and Helicobacter pylori, 158

            leg ulcers, 250

            omeprazole treatment, 78

            oral, 139, 276, 279, 282, 302


                        bilberry, 7

                        cayenne, 42, 43, 44, 47

                        chamomile, 55

                        ephedra, 114

                        evening primrose, 127

                        ginger, 175

            treatment with Asian ginseng, 215

            treatment with cat’s claw, 27, 28, 33, 37

            treatment with licorice, 279

Ulmus rubra, xx

Ultimate Xphoria, 110

ultraviolet (UV) light, 27, 29, 158, 370

uña de gato, 26

Uncaria guianensis, 23–38

Uncaria rhynchophylla, 29, 30

Uncaria sinensis, 29, 30

Uncaria tomentosa, 23–38

uncarine, 28

Unilever Bestfoods North America, 341, 342, 408

United States Pharmacopoeia, xvii

Up Your Gas, 117, 120, 399

upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), 88, 91, 94–96, 366

urethane resistance, 216

uric acid, 32, 38, 78

urinary alkaloids, 231

urinary antisepsis, 76, 77

urinary bacteria, 77, 78, 81, 82

urinary catecholamines, 209, 224

urinary cortisol, 326

urinary estrogen metabolites, 151

urinary glucose, 6, 295

urinary methylgallic acid, 345

urinary nitrogen, 345

urinary norepinephrine, 345

urinary pathogens, 76, 77

urinary pH

            urinary acidification, 76, 81, 82, 83, 116

            urinary alkalizers, 116

urinary tract infections (UTIs), 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83

            as adverse effect, 313, 317

urine, brown, 264

urodynamics. see also bladder; prostate

            dysuria, 313, 318, 339

            micturition, 317, 318, 387

            nocturia, 244, 313, 314, 317, 318

            pollakiuria, 318

            residual urine, 114, 313, 317, 319

            urinary flow, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 382, 387

            urinary retention, 313, 318

            urination disturbances, 114, 115

uroepithelial cells, 77

urokinase inhibitors, 340

uronic acid, 312

urostomies, 83

ursolic acid, 28, 239

Urtica dioica, 382, 387

urticaria, 44, 55, 66, 160

uses, primary and potential, xxvi

uterine bleeding, 67, 215

uterine prolapse, 377

uterine stimulants, 18, 231

uterine tissue, 17, 18

uva ursi leaf, 76


vaccinia virus, 301

Vaccinium macrocarpon, 73–83, 409, 410

Vaccinium myrtillus, 3–12

vaginal conditions

            cervical cancer, 222

            cervix, cytological smears, 223

            vaginal bleeding, as adverse effect, 217

            vaginal cytology, 17, 18, 22, 223

            vaginal mucosa, 76

            vulvovaginal candidiasis, 76

Valdispert®, 355, 358, 361, 362, 403

valepotriates, 355, 356

valeranone, 355, 356

valerenic acid, 355, 356

Valerian Nighttime™, 403

Valeriana exaltata, 354

Valeriana officinalis, 351–364, 374, 376, 378, 383, 409

Valerina Natt®, 358, 364, 403

Valmane®, 358, 361, 364, 403

valtrates, 355

Valverde®, 358, 364, 403

vanillic acid, 370

Varicella zoster, 27, 33, 38

varicosis, 6, 12, 127, 250, 257, 372

vascular conditions. see also arteries; circulation; veins

            capillary fragility, 6, 7, 12

            capillary permeability, 7, 190, 251

            capillary resistance, 370

            endothelium, 158

            peripheral vascular disorder, 6, 8, 12, 188, 191

            permeability, 7, 11, 231

            vascular resistance, 162, 169, 231, 234, 239

            vascular responses, 139

            vasoconstriction, 113, 251, 370

            vasodilation, 43, 77, 158, 216, 231, 240, 251, 341, 355

            vasomotor symptoms, 198, 223

            vasospasms, 190

vasopressin, 355


            occlusions, 12

            thrombophlebitis, 12, 257

            varicosis, 6, 12, 127, 250, 257, 372

            venous disorders, non-specific, 252

            venous filling rate, 255

            venous insufficiencies, 6, 8, 12, 250, 255–257, 369, 370, 372

Venoplant®, 253, 255, 257, 258, 401

Venostasin®, 253, 255, 256, 257, 401

Venostat®, 401

ventilation, 204, 209, 388

ventricular cardiac myocytes, 240

ventricular ejection fraction, 231, 234, 238, 239, 244, 245

Veratrum nigrum, 217

verbascoside, 89

Verbena spp., 276, 388

vertigo, 16, 18, 180, 188, 238

vervain, 276, 388

vesicular stomatitis virus, 30

VIATRIS GmbH & Co. KG, 408

Vibrio cholerae, 231, 234

Vienna determination test, 196

Vietnamese ginseng, 218

vincristine, xvii

vinyldithiins, 157


            altered, 263

            blindness, night/day, 6

            color discrimination speed, 100, 106

            color perception, 100, 106

            contrast sensitivity, 8, 11

            impairment, 18, 197, 370, 372

            infant development, 147

            night vision, 6, 8, 11

            spectral sensitivity, 100, 106

            visual reaction time, 196, 224

visual analog scale (VAS), 49, 50, 71, 307, 381

vital essence (TCM theory), 216

vitality, 27, 29, 33, 37, 38, 223

vitamin A, 314

vitamin B12, 78

vitamin E, 126

vitamin K, 341

Vitex agnus-castus, 61–72, 381

vitexilactone, 65

vitexin rhamnosides, 239


            as adverse effect, 18, 31, 115, 140

            antiemetics, 174, 175, 180

            associated with migraines, 138, 140, 142

            post-surgical, 181

            symptom of liver disease, 264

von Zerssen depression scale, 333

vulnerary activity, 90


Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd., 162, 408

walking distance, 170, 188, 192, 197, 225, 384


            and Asian ginseng, 217

            and bilberry, 7

            and chamomile, 56

            and feverfew, 140

            and garlic, 159, 160, 162, 170

            and ginger, 175

            and ginkgo, 190, 191, 199

            and St. John’s wort, 326

            and tea, 341

Warner Lambert, 408

water retention, 278

weakness. see asthenia/weakness

weariness, menopausal, 22

Wechsler-Bellevue test, 224

weight loss

            drug interactions, 115

            increased thermogenesis, 112, 113, 115

            studies, 116, 120, 121, 349

            and tea, 339, 341, 349

weight loss products, 110–112

well-being/quality of life

            and Asian ginseng, 215, 223, 224

            and eleuthero, 102, 106

            and garlic, 161, 167, 168

            and St. John’s wort, 331, 332

            and valerian, 362, 363

West Nile virus, 301

white blood cells (WBC). see leukocytes

Willmar Schwabe. see Dr. Willmar Schwabe

wind (TCM theory), 205

witch hazel, xx

withdrawal symptoms, 355, 356, 363

work capacity, 100, 102, 244

wormwood, 288

wounds, 54, 55, 57, 59, 88, 90, 251, 324

WS-1031, 319

WS-1473, 315, 317, 319, 402

WS-1490, 266, 270, 271, 401

WS-5570, 328, 333, 402

WS-5572, 328, 332, 403

WS-5573, 328, 332, 403


xanthines, 115, 339

xanthones, 325

xylose, 147, 370


Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, 334

yangonin, 263

yarrow hypersensitivity, 55, 56, 90, 139

yin (TCM theory), 205

yohimbe, 409

yucca, 409


Ze-117, 327, 328, 331, 332, 402, 403

Ze-91019, 358, 363, 403

Zeller Medical, 67, 328, 408

zidovudine (AZT), 26, 215, 217

Zinaxin®, 176, 400

zinc serum concentrations, 294

Zincosamine, 400

Zingiber officinale, 171–183, 377

zingiberene, 174

Zintona®, 176, 179, 400

Zoloft®, 331

zosteriform dermatitis, 160

Zostrix®, 45, 48, 49, 50, 398

Zung self-rating depression scale, 331

zymozam, 384

Zyzyphus jujuba, 377