FWD 1 Botanical Adulterants Monitor: BAM18 Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Below are descriptions and links to some of the upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops that may be of interest to learn more on adulteration and related quality control issues. For a more extensive listing of botanical and phytomedicinal conferences, webinars, and related educational events, please check the American Botanical Council Calendar of Events.

20th International Conference on the Safety of Botanicals

Oxford, MS: March 30th – April 2nd, 2020

The 2020 meeting will celebrate the 20th annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals and the 10th year of the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP). Attended by members of CFSAN/FDA, government officials, academic researchers, major trade associations and industry representatives, approaches for post market surveillance, risk and safety assessment, quality control and adverse event reporting for botanical dietary supplements (BDS), as well as regulatory aspects and other pressing topics that affect BDSs and their impact on consumers will be discussed. The meeting will also feature a session devoted to the 10th year of operations of BAPP with presentations by Mark Blumenthal, Stefan Gafner, Michael Levin, Roy Upton, and others.

For more information: http://www.oxfordicsb.org

Pittcon 2020

Chicago, IL: March 1st – 5th, 2020

Pittcon is the world’s leading annual conference and exposition on laboratory science. Pittcon attracts attendees from industry, academia, and government from many countries worldwide. It is primarily known as a trade show where manufacturers exhibit the latest analytical instruments and laboratory equipment. This year’s meeting features also a number of symposia that focus on botanical dietary supplement and food adulteration. The symposium entitled “Truth in Labeling? Dietary Supplement Analysis: Authentication, Adulteration and Contaminant Testing,” organized by FDA scientists Wendy Young and Sara Handy, features talks by Paula Brown (University of British Columbia), Amar Chittiboyina (University of Mississippi), Stefan Gafner (American Botanical Council and BAPP) and Damon Little (New York Botanical Garden), and will discuss the topics of botanical ingredient authenticity. Also of potential interest is the symposium “Economically Motivated Adulteration of Food and Analytical Methodologies to Monitor Food Safety and Quality.”

For more information: https://pittcon.org/technical-program/program-preview/

ICNPR 2020

San Francisco, CA: July 25th – 30th, 2020

The International Congress on Natural Products Research (ICNPR) is held every four years alternately in Europe and the United States. It is the largest gathering of scientists with interest in natural products research. For the first time, the conference will be co-hosted by seven organizations including the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), the French Society for Education and Research in Pharmacognosy (AFERP), the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), the Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy (JSP), the Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (KSP), the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE), and the Italian Society of Phytochemistry and the Science of Medicinal, Food and Fragrant Plants (SIF). In past meetings, drug discovery from land and marine natural resources has been the most prominent topic, but the conference always offers a wide array of sessions. In 2020, this will include talks on the impact of climate change on natural products research, and an update on advances in cannabis research.

For more information: http://icnpr2020.org/