FWD 2 Botanical Adulterants Monitor

Upcoming Events

Below are descriptions and links to some of the upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops that may be of interest to learn more on adulteration.

AHPA-AHP Workshop on Botanical, Macroscopic, and Organoleptic Assessment of Herbal Ingredients for cGMP Compliance

Portland, OR: June 15th – 16th, 2015

This upcoming hands-on, two-day workshop will provide a detailed orientation of botanical, macroscopic, and organoleptic identification methods, discuss quality assessment techniques and terminology, and demonstrate how these techniques are used to evaluate crude plant parts in a scientifically valid manner. The workshop will cover the following topics:

  • Botanical identity current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) compliance requirements; Strengths and weaknesses of various analytical technologies (botanical, morphological, microscopic, chemical, DNA);
  • Botanical terminology and botanical identification of plant materials; Language of botanical pharmacognosy and organoleptics;
  • Terminology and assessment techniques for roots, leaves, stems, barks, flowers, fruits, seeds;
  • Developing and documenting macroscopic and organoleptic assessments in a scientifically valid manner;
  • Common and uncommon botanical adulterants: how to detect and how to avoid them; sourcing of botanical reference materials and developing internal standards.

For more information: http://www.ahpa.org/default.aspx?tabid=66, and subsequent clicking on the link to the workshop.

56th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP)

Copper Mountain, CO: July 25th - 29th, 2015

This meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy is focused primarily on the discovery of new therapeutic lead compounds from natural resources. Since this is the largest meeting on natural products research in North America, this is a good meeting to stay current on new analytical trends and applications of analytical instruments for the analysis of botanicals, and on the latest research on adulteration of botanical materials. In this regard, a visit of the three poster sessions, which are held on July 25th (7:00-10:00 pm), July 26th (3:30-5:30 pm), and July 27th (3:30-5:30 pm) is highly recommended.

For more information: http://asp2015.org/

Botany 2015: Workshop — Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: July 26th, 2015

The goal of this workshop, which is part of the “Botany 2015” conference, is to introduce participants to the essentials of Next Generation Sequencing, a new approach to sequencing the DNA of plants using technologies that produce billions of base pairs of sequence data per experiment. After the workshop, participants can develop and initiate their own projects in phylogenetics, population genetics, and gene expression using this technology. In the morning, the available technologies, applications, and protocols for sample preparation and sequencing will be described. In the afternoon, participants will then have an opportunity to work with data from the Illumina platform using Geneious software. Topics covered will include plastome sequence assembly and probe design for nuclear gene target enrichment. The presenter is Shannon Straub from the Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Biology; Geneva, New York.

For more information: http://2015.botanyconference.org/engine/search/index.php?func=detail&aid=9

USP Workshop on Adulteration and Fraud in Food Ingredients and Dietary Supplements

Rockville, MD: December 3rd – 4th, 2015

This third USP workshop in a series of biennial workshops will bring together global experts to discuss the current state and necessary next steps to help protect public health from the risks of adulterated food and dietary supplements from economically motivated adulteration (EMA) and food fraud. Participants will obtain insights into the latest technologies, tools, and regulatory developments for dealing with EMA; learn about current and in-development USP standards and other tools for combating food and dietary supplement fraud; and participate in exchange about current needs and help shape the discussion of what is needed to help protect food and dietary supplement safety and integrity.

For more information: http://www.usp.org/meetings-courses/workshops/adulteration-and-fraud-food-ingredients-and-dietary-supplements