FWD 1 Botanical Adulterants Monitor

HPLC-UV Analysis of Commercial Bilberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry Supplements Shows that Adulteration Is Still an Issue

Reviewed: Lee J. Anthocyanin analyses of Vaccinium fruit dietary supplements. Food Sci Nutr. 2016; [epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.339.

This investigation by Jungmin Lee from the US Department of Agriculture is a continuation of her work on the ingredient identity of dietary supplements labeled to contain berry fruit extracts, e.g., black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis, Rosaceae) and bokbunja (Rubus coreanus).1,2 In this publication, the results from the high-performance liquid chromatography using ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry detection (HPLC-UV/Vis) analysis of 45 dietary supplements labeled to contain extracts from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus, Ericaceae), blueberry (V. angustifolium, V. corymbosum, and V. pallidum), cranberry (V. macrocarpon), or lingonberry (V. vitis-idaea) are reported.

The samples were purchased from local markets in Boise, Nampa, and Caldwell, Idaho, or online at Amazon.com. For bilberry, eight out of 15 (53%) samples were found to be adulterated, although in one sample, a liquid extract, absence of anthocyanins could be due to degradation. One sample was made from blueberry and one sample contained Andean blueberry (V. floribundum). The latter product had a label statement indicating “Ecuador” as the country of origin. Since the natural growing range of bilberry is restricted to Europe and northern Asia, any bilberry with provenance from Ecuador is likely to contain a species other than V. myrtillus.

The identity of the adulterants in the remaining samples could not be determined. In the case of the blueberry products, two out of eight (25%) did not contain any anthocyanins. Both of these products were liquids, so degradation of anthocyanins cannot be excluded. Most of the cranberry supplements contained the typical cranberry anthocyanins; only one product, again a liquid, did not contain anthocyanins. Two products contained additional peaks in the chromatogram, possibly due to the presence of food coloring and beet (Beta spp., Chenopodiaceae) juice as indicated on the label. The two lingonberry supplements did not show the expected anthocyanin pattern; one product was highly degraded, while the other was made from cranberry.

The author suggests that a consumer may more likely receive the authentic product when eating fresh whole fruit. Since the HPLC-UV/Vis technique can help in authenticating processed fruit extracts, she suggests creating an anthocyanin profile database to assist processors in verifying their fruit ingredient sources.

Comment: Adulteration of anthocyanin-containing fruit extracts continues to plague the dietary supplement market. The approach using an HPLC-UV/Vis fingerprint to authenticate berries from the Vaccinium genus has been shown to be successful. The author reports that 14 out of 45 (31%) products were adulterated. A closer look at the data shows that liquid supplements, where absence of anthocyanins could be due to degradation, and two cranberry supplements containing additional peaks possibly due to other labeled ingredients, were included in the number of adulterated samples. Therefore, reporting an adulteration range of 18-31% would be more accurate. Additionally, based on the results of this study, the health benefits obtained from liquid Vaccinium spp. berry supplements, where anthocyanins are likely prone to degradation, have to be questioned.


1.   Lee J. Marketplace analysis demonstrates quality control standards needed for black raspberry dietary supplements. Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2014;69(2):161-167.

2.   Lee J. Analysis of bokbunja products show they contain Rubus occidentalis Lfruit. J Funct Foods. 2015;12:144-149.