FWD 2 Botanical Adulterants Monitor

Upcoming Events

Below are descriptions and links to some of the upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops that may be of interest to learn more on adulteration.

Dietary Supplements – Botanical Materials Verification at SupplySide West

Las Vegas, NV: October 4th, 2016

This course is designed for all quality assurance personnel working to meet FDA compliance for botanical identification. Botanicals will be identified through classical botany and sensory testing systems with a mix of lecture and hands-on lab participation. The course will support in-house testing for botanical identification and teach what questions to ask when utilizing outside testing facilities. When employing an outside testing lab, this course will help with suitable selection criteria and teach how to interpret test results. Students will review proposed guidelines for botanical testing as they relate to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), current GMPs (cGMPs), and quality testing. In this workshop, participants will employ their senses of taste, touch, and smell to help identify botanicals. Also included is a section on DNA testing, which DNA testing methods are appropriate for botanicals, and how and when to use DNA. This course will teach how to integrate appropriate DNA testing along with other identification methods to establish a complete botanical materials verification program. The second half of this one-day course will focus on the use of analytical chemistry methods to verify botanicals, both raw and extracts. Analytical method and theory will be presented with many case studies on adulteration. 

For more information: https://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?eventid=1857537

HPTLC for the Identification of Botanical Materials

Wilmington, NC: October 24th – 25th, 2016

This seminar will introduce current concepts of high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) with emphasis on the analysis of botanical materials, including identification of raw materials and finished products, detection of adulteration (related species, chemical substances), quantitative determination of markers, and investigations of shelf life. The focus will be on analytical processes and their parameters in a cGMP-compliant environment, and will deal with both qualitative and quantitative topics. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are introduced and used in a hands-on lab session. Furthermore, various sources of methods and their utilization will be discussed along with principal elements of validation.

For more information: tlc@camag.com, or 800-334-3909