FWD 2 Botanical Adulterants Monitor

Upcoming Events


Below are descriptions and links to some of the upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops that may be of interest to learn more on adulteration.


17th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB)

Oxford, MS: April 3rd - 6th, 2017


The 17th Oxford ICSB is a unique event to discuss current issues in the herbal dietary supplement industry and to stay informed on the latest research with regard to herbal medicine. Topics of the conference include postmarket surveillance, risk and safety assessment, quality control and adverse event reporting (AER) for botanical dietary supplements, as well as regulatory aspects with perspectives from government, manufacturers, and trade associations. To this end, the program will include relevant presentations from members by government officials, major trade associations, and industry representatives discussing pressing topics that affect herbal dietary supplements and their impact on consumers.


For more information: http://oxfordicsb.org/