FWD 1 American Botanical Council: Identification of Medicinal Plants

Berberis vulgaris L.

Standardized Common Name: Barberry

Other Common Name: European Barberry

Family: Berberidaceae

Taxonomy: Berberis includes about 500 species, distributed almost worldwide. Berberis vulgaris is one of two species native to Europe. It was widely cultivated and naturalized in North America also, but because it is an alternate host for a pathogenic fungus of wheat, eradication programs have greatly reduced its occurence.

Description: Shrub, (0.3–)1–3 m high; most of leaves on long shoots reduced to spines; spines often 3-lobed; bark gray. Foliage leaves deciduous, mostly clustered on short shoots, 1–6 cm long, elliptical to somewhat obovate; texture usually thin and flexible; base attenuate; apex rounded to obtuse; margins usually serrate, with teeth spine-tipped; both surfaces dull, the upper somewhat glaucous. Inflorescences racemose, lateral (technically terminal on very short shoots), (1–)3–6 cm long, 10–30-flowered. Flowers yellow; sepals 6, quickly lost, 3–6 mm long; petals 6, 3–6 mm long, producing nectar; stamens 6; ovary compound, 1-styled. Fruit a berry, red to purple or black, oblong, 5–11 mm long, 2-seeded.

Parts in Commerce: Bark (fruit and roots also have traditional uses)


  • Small flat or curved pieces, mostly <1 cm broad
  • 0.5–2.0 mm thick
  • Outer surface dark yellowish-gray, longitudinally furrowed, in older bark becoming fissured and scaly, sometimes with small black lichenous spots
  • Inner surface dark yellow to brown, glistening, longitudinally striated and fibrous, often with attached fragments of yellow wood
  • Fracture short in outer portion, fibrous and laminated in inner portion
  • In transverse section, has thin cork and cortex, thicker brown phloem containing yellow parenchyma rays
  • Taste bitter
  • Chewing colors saliva yellow


Akeroyd JR, Webb DA. Berberis. In: Tutin TG, Heywood VH, Burges NA, et al., eds. Flora Europaea. 2nd ed., vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1993:295–296.

British Herbal Medicine Association. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. BHMA; 1996:32.

Greenish HG. Materia Medica. Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers (India); 1920 reprinted 1999:235.

Whittemore AT. Berberis. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. Flora of North America, vol. 3. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1997:276–286.