FWD 1 American Botanical Council: Identification of Medicinal Plants

Coriandrum sativum L.

Standardized Common Name: Coriander

Other Common Name: Cilantro (leaf)

Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

Taxonomy: Coriandrum includes three species, all native to Southwest Asia. Coriandrum sativum has been widely cultivated for thousands of years.

Description: Annual herb. Stem to 70 cm high, branching. Leaves basal and cauline; basal leaves long-petioled, 1-pinnate or pinnatisect, the segments ca. 1 cm long and ovate, with crenate-serrate margins; stem leaves alternate, short-petioled, 2–3-pinnate, segments linear. Inflorescences compound umbels on long peduncles, 2–6(–10)-rayed, bractless or with 1 linear bract; umbelets few-flowered, subtended by small bracteoles; flowers small, calyx teeth unequal, petals white to pinkish or purplish, outer petals spreading and bifid, anthers pink; both hermaphroditic and male flowers present, the latter borne on shorter pedicels. Fruit a schizocarp, globose, 2–5.5 mm in diameter, usually not separating into mericarps; primary and secondary ribs present, not conspicuous.

Parts in Commerce: Fruits

Identification: See appendix for explanation of the technical terms pertaining to umbel fruits.

  • Schizocarps globose or nearly so, with mericarps attached by broad commissure and rarely splitting
  • (2–)2.5–4.5(–5.5) mm in diameter
  • Yellowish brown to pale dull brown; unripe fruit may dry black
  • Primary ribs delicate, undulating, inconspicuous, alternating with straight secondary ribs
  • Apex bearing conical projecting beak (stylopodium), surrounded by 5 calyx teeth (often knocked off in bulk material, but usually visible as small tubercles)
  • Mericarps, when separated, with deeply concave commissural face usually bearing 2 raised, riblike vittae
  • Odor aromatic, mild when ripe; unripe fruit has unpleasant odor
  • Taste characteristic, mild, spicy


Bentley R, Trimen H. Medicinal Plants. Vol. 2 Delhi: Periodical Expert Book Agency and International Book Distributors; 1880 reprinted 1981:No. 133.

Greenish HG. Materia Medica. Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers (India); 1920 reprinted 1999:113–115.

Hedge IC, Lamond JM. Coriandrum. In: P. H. Davis, ed. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 4. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 1972:330–331.

Tutin TG. Coriandrum. In: Tutin TG, Heywood VH, Burges NA, et al., eds. Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1968:328.

Youngken HW. Text-Book of Pharmacognosy, 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: The Blakiston Company; 1943:635–637.


Figure 20: Coriandrum sativum fruit.