FWD 1 American Botanical Council: Identification of Medicinal Plants

Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton 

Standardized Common Name: Cranberry

Other Common Names: American Cranberry, Large Cranberry

Family: Ericaceae

Taxonomy: Vaccinium includes about 450 woody species, found almost worldwide and in a variety of habitats. Many have edible fruits. Vaccinium macrocarpon is native to eastern North America; it has been naturalized in Europe, where it is frequently cultivated. It is classified within Sect. Oxycoccus. Synonyms include Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Aiton) Pers., V. oblongifolium (Michx.) Hort. ex Dunal, V. oxycoccus var. oblongifolium Michx., and V. propinquum Salisb.

Description: Shrub or vine with trailing, flexible woody stems, erect shoots to 15 cm high. Leaves evergreen, subsessile, alternate, elliptical, 7–18 mm long, 3–5 mm broad, thick-textured; apex and base rounded to obtuse; margins slightly revolute; upper surface shiny dark green, lower surface pale and glaucous. Inflorescence an intercalary, bracteate raceme; flowers on slender pedicels 2–3 cm long, subtended by 2 leaflike bracteoles arising on pedicel more than halfway to flower. Calyx fused into a cup, with 4 tiny lobes; petals 4, white to pink, fused only at base, the lobes 6–10 mm long, lanceolate, reflexed at flowering; stamens 8, filaments ciliate, anthers protruding from center of flower in a narrow cone shape, dehiscing by pores; ovary inferior. Fruit a berry, globose to ovate or elliptical, red, 9–14(–20) mm in diameter, 4-loculed; mature seeds several to 30 or more, ca. 2 mm long.

Parts in Commerce: Fruit


  • Fleshy berry, red at maturity
  • 9–14(–20) mm in diameter, broadly ellipsoid to obovate or globose
  • Brownish circular region at apex with small round scar in center where floral parts were attached and 4 flattened calyx lobes arising at edges; calyx lobes small, triangular, rounded
  • 4-loculed
  • Maturing seeds several to 30, usually over a dozen; small undeveloped seeds may also be present
  • Seeds ca. 2 mm long, somewhat asymmetrical, with raised netted ornamentation
  • Taste sour, characteristic

Vaccinium oxycoccus L.: “Cranberry” is recognized as referring to the two closely related species V. macrocarpon and V. oxycoccus. However, in commercial cranberry production, V. oxycoccus is considered to be an inferior substitute for the preferred V. macrocarpon. The fruits of V. oxycoccus are smaller, usually 6–12 mm in diameter, globose to pear-shaped and often white-speckled, especially before ripening. They usually contain fewer than a dozen seeds, each ca. 1 mm long.


Fernald ML. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. New York: American Book Company; 1950:1129–1135.

Popova TN. Vaccinium. In: Tutin TG, Heywood VH, Burges NA, et al., eds. Flora Europaea. Vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1972:12–13.

Vander Kloet SP. The taxonomy of Vaccinium Sect. Oxycoccus. Rhodora. 1983;85:1–43.

Vander Kloet SP. The Genus Vaccinium in North America. Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada; 1988.