FWD 1 Commission E: Comfrey root

  The Commission E Monographs

Comfrey root

Symphyti radix
Published July 27, 1990

Name of Drug

Symphyti radix; comfrey root.  

Composition of Drug

Comfrey, consisting of the fresh or dried root section of Symphytum officinale L.  [Fam.  Boraginaceae], and effective pharmaceutical preparations thereof.  

The drug contains allantoin and muco-polysaccharides.  Comfrey also contains various amounts of pyrrolizidine (senecio) alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necine ring structure and their N-oxides.  



  • Bruising, pulled muscles and ligaments, sprains.  

None known.  

Note:Application should only occur on intact skin; during pregnancy use only after consulting a physician.  

Side Effects

None known.  

Interaction with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

  • Ointments or other preparations for external use are made up with 5 - 20 percent of the drug and prepared accordingly.  

The daily dose should not exceed more than 100 mcg pyrrolizidine alkaloids with 1,2-unsaturated necine structure, including its N-oxides.  

Mode of Administration

Crushed root, extracts, the pressed juice of the fresh plant for semi-solid preparations and poultices for external use.  

Duration of Treatment

Not longer than 4 - 6 weeks per year.  


Furthers the formation of callus