FWD 2 HerbalEGram: Dr. Andrew Weil on TIME Cover on “Living Better Longer”

HerbalEGram: Volume 2

Dr. Andrew Weil on TIME Cover on “Living Better Longer”

The October 17 issue of TIME magazine (Oct. 17, 2005) featured a cover photo of integrative medicine icon Andrew Weil MD with the tag “Living Better Longer.” With a curious synchronicity with his opening words, “I recently turned 60” the article (“Aging Naturally”), starts on page 60 and consists of an excerpt from his new book Healthy Aging (Alfred A. Knopf, 2005). The 9-page spread contains some a variety of general suggestions, including exercise and stress-reduction techniques, and dietary advice, including suggested uses of dietary supplements (two of his perennial favorites, ginger and turmeric, are mentioned). There are two half-page sections “Men Aging Gracefully” and “Women Aging Gracefully” with postage stamp size photos and blurbs on Paul Warren Buffet, Newman, Colin Powell, Robert Redford, Philip Roth, Lauren Bacall, Joan Baez, Toni Morrison, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Martha Stewart.

The web version of the article is available online at: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1115695,00.html.

This type of positive publicity for natural foods, dietary supplements, etc. will no doubt have a  beneficial impact on the American consumer, particularly baby boomers, the oldest of whom are now approaching, or have just completed, their 60th birthdays.

This is the second time Dr. Weil’s easily-recognizable visage has graced the cover of TIME; he appeared on the cover on May 12, 1997 with cover question, “Can this man make you healthy?” and featuring many of Dr. Weil’s principles and recommendations for how to employ diet and other lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain good health.