FWD 2 HerbalEGram: Standard Process Inc. Accepting Concept Proposals to Fund Studies on Whole Food Nutritional Supplements through February 1

HerbalEGram: Volume 4

Standard Process Inc. Accepting Concept Proposals to Fund Studies on Whole Food Nutritional Supplements through February 1

The Department of Research and Development at Standard Process Inc., a whole food supplements company based in Palmyra, WI, is accepting concept proposals for its Pilot Clinical Research Program until February 1.1 Standard Process is specifically soliciting proposals that would explore, develop, and implement new and creative clinical research models on nutritional whole food supplements. The company is particularly interested in supporting researchers who develop research protocols that would incorporate new methods of evaluating the multi-factorial and non-linear nature of whole food supplements and their potentially synergistic constituents.2 The company’s Pilot Clinical Research Program grants several awards, ranging from $5,000 to $60,000 for direct costs, annually to fund selected 1-2 year projects.1
Clinicians, basic science researchers, epidemiologists, social scientists, and junior and senior investigators of all disciplines are invited to apply. Some applicants will be chosen to submit full project proposals, which will be due by April 6. Awards will be granted on May 1.
More information about the awards, including submission guidelines for concept proposals, is available at: http://www.standardprocess.com/pilotclinicalresearchguidelines.asp.

-Courtney Cavaliere



1. Clinical Research Flyer page. Standard Process Inc. Web site. Available at: http://www.standardprocess.com/lit/ClinicalResearch/Clinical%20Research%20Flyer.pdf Accessed December 21, 2006.
2. Clinical Research Information page. Standard Process Inc. Web site. Available at: http://www.standardprocess.com/lit/ClinicalResearch/Clinical%20Research%20eBrochure.pdf. Accessed December 21, 2006.