FWD 2 Nutraceuticals_2nd_edition

HerbalEGram: Volume 8, Number 5, August 2008

August 2008 Featured Book Excerpt

Nutraceuticals, 2nd ed. by Brian Lockwood, 2007. This book Provides a brief introduction of the relationship
between nutraceuticals, foods, and medicine. With 26 monographs on major nutraceuticals, it also includes evidence for
the use of nutraceuticals for the prevention and treatment of important disease states. Chapters are defined by different health problems, i.e., joint health, eye health, and mental health. The chapters include adverse effects, mode of action, and references. Hardcover, 426 pp.

Read an excerpt from Nutraceuticals, 2nd by Brian Lockwood

Visit the ABC store to buy Nutraceuticals, 2nd edition