FWD 2 HerbalEgram

HerbalEGram: Volume 6, Number 12, December 2009

Additional Media Watch

Ethnographic Maps May Help Amazon Tribes Win Forest Carbon Payments. Mongabay. 11-29-09.

Why Traditional Medicine Can't Be Built Into Nigeria's Healthcare System. AllAfrica. 11-27-09.

Ginkgo Won't Prevent Heart Attack, Stroke in Elderly. Palm Beach Post. 11-27-09.

Dietary Supplement Rules Set to be Shaken Up. New Zealand Herald. 11-26-09.

Forest Plants in Kenya Grown for Traditional Medicines. Voice of America. 11-24-09.

Plimoth Shows Life Without Conventional Medicine. Cape Cod Times. 11-22-09.

Folic Acid Fortification Might Boost Cancer Risk. U.S. News & World Report. 11-17-09.

Do Relaxation Drinks Send the Wrong Message? ABC News. 11-16-09.

Key Distinction on FDA, Supplements. Boston Globe. 11-13-09.

Health Ministry to Probe Traditional Chinese Clinics. Viet Nam News. 11-12-09.

Herbal Medicine Tourism Brings New Hope To Villagers in China. Bernama. 11-12-09.

How Rainforest Shamans Treat Disease. Mongabay. 11-10-09.

Dietary Supplements May Increase Longevity Of HIV Patients. The AIDS Beacon.  11-8-09.

Folic Acid Supplements Linked to Asthma in Children. The Telegraph. 11-5-09.

Humble Garlic Becomes Hot Topic of Conversation. Irish Times. 11-3-09.