FWD 2 Press Releases: Mother Nature's Little Helpers, Andrew Weil and Your A to Z Guide to the Year in Medicine, David Bjerklie, Alice Park, and Sora Song, TIME

Mother Nature's Little Helpers, Andrew Weil and Your A to Z Guide to the Year in Medicine, David Bjerklie, Alice Park, and Sora Song, TIME

Letter to the Editor regarding: Mother Nature's Little Helpers,
Andrew Weil and Your A to Z Guide to the Year in Medicine,
David Bjerklie, Alice Park, and Sora Song,
TIME, 1/20/2003, pp 115, 125.

ABC has sent a letter to the editor commenting on the Bjerklie/Park/Song article that notes Sant John's wort's failure in a clinical trial for severe depression, but does not mention Zoloft's failure in the same trial. The same letter also provides additional evidence regarding the effectiveness of ginkgo used in clinical trials with cognitively impaired adults to counter the article's discussion of a trial conducted on healthy adults with a negative outcome.