FWD 1 Commission E: Ash bark and leaf

  The Commission E Monographs

Ash bark and leaf

Fraxinus excelsior
Published February 1, 1990

Name of Drug

Fraxini cortex, ash bark.  
Fraxini folium, ash leaf.  

Composition of Drug

Ash bark consists of the bark of young branches of Fraxinus excelsior L.  [Fam.  Oleaceae], as well as preparations thereof.  Ash leaf consists of the leaf of F.  excelsior L., as well as preparations thereof.  


Preparations of ash bark are used for fever and as a tonic.  Their effectiveness is not verified.  Preparations of ash leaf are used for arthritis, gout, and bladder complaints, as a laxative and as a diuretic.  

The effectiveness for the claimed applications has not been documented.  


None known.  


Since the effectiveness for the claimed applications has not been documented, a therapeutic application cannot be recommended.  

The effectiveness of ash in fixed combinations must be verified specifically by each preparation to receive a positive evaluation.  


Preparations of fresh ash bark showed an analgesic, anti-exudative, and antiphlogistic action.