FWD 1 Commission E: Celery

  The Commission E Monographs


Apium graveolens
Published July 12, 1991

Name of Drug

Apium graveolens, celery.  
Apii radix, celery root.  
Apii herba, celery herb.  
Apii fructus, celery seed.  

Composition of Drug

Celery consists of the fresh, whole plant of Apium graveolens L.  [Fam.  Apiaceae], for the preparation of pressed juice.  

Celery root consists of the fresh or dried, underground parts of A.  graveolens L., as well as preparations thereof.  

Celery herb consists of the fresh or dried, above-ground parts of A.  graveolens L., as well as preparations thereof.  

Celery seed consists of the fruits of A.  graveolens L., as well as preparations thereof.  


Preparations of celery are used as a diuretic, for "blood purification," for regulating elimination of the bowels, for glandular stimulation, rheumatic complaints, gout, stone diseases, for weight loss due to malnutrition, prophylactic for nervous unrest, for loss of appetite and exhaustion.  

The effectiveness for the claimed applications is not documented.  


Celery can cause allergic reactions, even ending in anaphylactic shock (celery-carrot-mugwort-syndrome).  

Warning:Celery can contain large amounts of phototoxic furanocoumarin.  


Since the effectiveness for the claimed uses is not documented, and since an allergic risk exists, a therapeutic application cannot be recommended.  


Animal experiments showed indications of a diuretic action.