FWD 1 Commission E: Cinchona bark

  The Commission E Monographs

Cinchona bark

Cinchonae cortex
Published February 1, 1990

Name of Drug

Cinchonae cortex, cinchona bark.  

Composition of Drug

Cinchona bark consists of the dried bark of Cinchona pubescens Vahl (syn.   Cinchona succirubra Pavon ex Klotzsch) [Fam.  Rubiaceae], or of their variations and hybrids, as well as preparations of cinchona bark in effective dosage.  


Loss of appetite, peptic discomforts such as bloating and fullness.  


Pregnancy, allergy to cinchona alkaloids, such as quinine and quinidine.  

Side Effects

Occasionally, after taking medicines containing quinine, allergic reactions such as skin allergy or fever may occur.  In rare cases, there is an increased tendency to bleeding because of a reduction in the blood platelets (thrombocytopenia).  If this happens, a doctor must be consulted immediately.  

Warning:A sensitization for quinine or quinidine is possible.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

If given simultaneously, increases the effect of anticoagulants.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Daily dosage:

  • 1 - 3 g of drug;
  • 0.6 - 3 g of cinchona liquid extract with 4 - 5 percent total alkaloids;
  • 0.15 - 0.6 g cinchona extract with 15 - 20 percent total alkaloids;
  • Preparations with equivalent bitterness value.  

Mode of Administration

Comminuted drug and other bitter-tasting galenical preparations to be taken orally.  


Stimulation of the secretion of saliva and gastric juice.