FWD 1 Commission E: Cola nut

  The Commission E Monographs

Cola nut

Colae semen
Published July 12, 1991

Name of Drug

Colae semen, cola nut.  

Composition of Drug

Cola nut consists of the endosperm freed from the testa of various Cola species Schott et Endlicher, particularly C.  nitida (Ventenat) Schott et Endlicher [Fam.  Sterculiaceae], as well as its preparations in effective dosage.  

The drug contains at least 1.5 percent methylxanthine (caffeine, theobromine).  


Mental and physical fatigue.  


Gastric and duodenal ulcers.  

Side Effects

Sleep disorders, over-excitability, nervous restlessness, and gastric irritations may occur.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

Strengthening of the action of psychoanaleptic drugs and caffeine-containing beverages.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Daily dosage:

  • 2 - 6 g cola nut ( Erg.  B.  6 );
  • 0.25 - 0.75 g cola extract ( Erg.  B.  6 );
  • 2.5 - 7.5 g cola liquid extract ( Erg.  B.  6 );
  • 10 - 30 g cola tincture ( Erg.  B.  6 );
  • 60 - 180 g cola wine ( Erg.  B.  6 ).  

Mode of Administration

Powdered drug and other galenical preparations for internal use.  


From animal experiments:

  • Analeptic
  • Stimulates production of gastric acid
  • Lipolytic
  • Increases motility

In humans:

  • Compared to methylxanthine, caffeine is a weaker diuretic and positively chronotropic.