FWD 1 Commission E: Couch Grass

  The Commission E Monographs

Couch Grass

Graminis rhizoma
Published February 1, 1990

Name of Drug

Graminis rhizoma, couch grass (Triticum).  

Composition of Drug

Couch grass consists of the rhizome, roots and short stems of Agropyron repens (L.) P.  de Beauvois [Fam.  Poaceae], as well as its preparations in effective dosage.  

The drug contains essential oil and saponins.  


Irrigation therapy for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and for the prevention of kidney gravel.  


None known.  

Warning:No irrigation therapy if edema exists due to cardiac or renal insufficiency.  

Side Effects

None known.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Daily dosage:

  • 6 - 9 g of drug;
  • equivalent preparations.  
Mode of Administration

Comminuted herb decoctions and other galenical preparations for internal use.  

Note:For irrigation therapy, observe copious fluid intake.  


The essential oil has an antimicrobial activity.