FWD 1 Commission E: Damiana leaf and herb

  The Commission E Monographs

Damiana leaf and herb

Turnera diffusa
Published March 2, 1989

Name of Drug

Turnerae diffusae folium, damiana leaf.  
Turnerae diffusae herba, damiana herb.  

Composition of Drug

Damiana leaf consists of the leaf of Turnera diffusa Willdenow [Fam.  Turneraceae], and its variations, as well as preparations of damiana leaves.  

Damiana herb consists of the leaf and branch of T.  diffusa Willdenow [Fam.  Turneraceae], and its variations, as well as preparations of damiana herb.  


Damiana preparations are used as an aphrodisiac, for prophylaxis and treatment of sexual disturbances, for strengthening and stimulation during exertion (overwork), also for boosting and maintaining mental and physical capacity.  

The effectiveness for the claimed applications is not verified.  


None known.  


Since the effectiveness of Damiana preparations for the claimed applications is not documented, a therapeutic administration cannot be recommended.