FWD 2 Commission E: Dandelion herb

  The Commission E Monographs

Dandelion herb

Taraxaci herba
Published August 29, 1992

Name of Drug

Taraxaci herba, dandelion herb.  

Composition of Drug

Dandelion herb, consisting of the fresh or dried above-ground parts of Taraxacum officinale G.  H.  Weber ex Wiggers s.l. [Fam.  Asteraceae], as well as their preparations in effective dosage.  The leaf contains bitter principles.  

Pharmacological Properties, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology

Not known.  

Clinical Data


Loss of appetite and dyspepsia, such as feeling of fullness and flatulence.  


Obstruction of the bile ducts, gall bladder empyema, ileus.  In case of gallstones, use only after consultation with a physician.  Contact allergies caused by sesquiterpene-lactones in the latex have been only rarely observed.  Experiments and observations concerning preparations are not available.  

Side Effects

None known.  

Special Precautions for Use


Use During Pregnancy and Lactation

None known.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

  • 4 - 10 g of herb 3 times daily;
  • 4 - 10 ml liquid extract 1:1 in 25 percent alcohol 3 times daily.  
Mode of Administration

Cut herb for infusions, as well as for liquid preparations for internal use.  

Duration of Administration



None known.  

Special Warnings


Effects on Operators of Vehicles and Machinery
