FWD 1 Commission E: Fixed Combinations of Licorice root, Peppermint leaf, and German Chamomile flower

  The Commission E Monographs

Fixed Combinations of Licorice root, Peppermint leaf, and German Chamomile flower

Published March 11, 1992

Name of Drug

Fixed combinations of licorice root, peppermint leaf, and chamomile flower.  

Composition of Drug

Fixed combinations consisting of:

Licorice root corresponding to the monograph published May 15, 1985;
Peppermint leaf corresponding to the monograph published November 11, 1985;
Chamomile flower corresponding to the monograph published November 1, 1984;

as well as their preparations in effective dosage.  


Acute and chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa with spastic discomforts in the gastrointestinal area.  


Cholestatic liver disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, hypertonia, hypokalemia, severe kidney insufficiency, pregnancy.  

In case of gallstones, to be used only after consultation with a physician.  

Side Effects

For a daily dosage up to 100 mg glycyrrhizin:

  • None known.  

For a daily dosage of more than 100 mg of glycyrrhizin:

  • Extended use and higher dosages can cause mineralocorticoid effects, such as sodium and water retention, potassium loss with high blood pressure, edema and hypokalemia with muscle weakness, and, in rare cases, myoglobinuria.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

Loss of potassium due to other medication, e.g., thiazide and loop diuretics, can be intensified.  Loss of potassium increases the sensitivity to digitalis glycosides.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Licorice root, peppermint leaf, and chamomile flower must be at the concentration of 50 - 75 percent of the daily dosage given in the individual monographs.  

Deviating dosages must be justified specifically for the preparation.  

Mode of Administration

Liquid and solid preparations for oral application.  

Duration of Administration

Without medical advice, not longer than 4 - 6 weeks.  


An antispasmodic effect is documented for licorice root, peppermint leaf, and chamomile flower.  Chamomile flower has in addition an antiphlogistic and wound-healing action, glycyrrhizic acid and the aglycone of glycyrrhizic acid enhance the healing of gastric ulcers, according to controlled clinical studies.  Pharmacological experiments for fixed combinations are not available.