FWD 1 Commission E: Fixed Combinations of Sundew and Thyme

  The Commission E Monographs

Fixed Combinations of Sundew and Thyme

Published April 4, 1992

Composition of Drug

Fixed combinations consisting of:

Sundew corresponding to B.  Anz. 228, December 5, 1984;
Thyme corresponding to B.  Anz. 228, December 5, 1984;

and their preparations in effective dosage.  


Catarrhs of the respiratory tract with spastic cough.  


None known.  

Side Effects

None known.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

The individual components of the combination must each be present at 50 - 75 percent of the daily dosage given in the monographs for the individual herbs.  

Mode of Administration

Comminuted drug and galenical preparations for oral intake.  


A bronchospasmolytic effect is documented for preparations of thyme and sundew.  Thyme has, in addition, an expectorant and antibacterial action; sundew, an antitussive action.  Pharmacological tests for the effectiveness of fixed combinations are not available.