FWD 1 Commission E: Hyssop

  The Commission E Monographs


Hyssopus officinalis
Published August 29, 1992

Name of Drug

Hyssopi herba, hyssop herb.  
Hyssopi aetheroleum, hyssop oil.  

Composition of Drug

Hyssop herb consists of the fresh or dried, above-ground parts of Hyssopus officinalis L.  [Fam.  Lamiaceae], as well as preparations thereof.  

Hyssop oil consists of the essential oil of H.  officinalis L., obtained by water steam distillation, as well as preparations thereof.  

Pharmacological Properties, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology

Hyssop herb:

  • None known.  

Hyssop oil causes, in rats, clonic spasms and toniclonic spasms, using a dosage of 0.13 g/kg intraperitoneally.  

Clinical Data


Preparations of hyssop herb are used for the gentle stimulation of circulation, for intestinal catarrhs, for diseases of the respiratory tract, colds, chest and lung ailments, for the prevention of frostbite damage, digestive disorders, intestinal ailments, menstrual complaints, heart problems and eye pain.  

The effectiveness for the claimed applications is not documented.  


Hyssop herb:

  • None known.  

Hyssop oil:

  • Three cases of poisoning have been registered resulting in clonic and/or clonic-tonic spasms.  In adults a dosage of 10 and 30 drops was used, and, in a 6-year-old child, the dosage was 2 - 3 drops over several days.  


Since the effectiveness for the claimed uses is not documented, a therapeutic application cannot be justified.  

There is no objection to the use of hyssop herb below 5 percent as a flavor corrigent in tea mixtures.