FWD 1 Commission E: Lily-of-the-valley herb

  The Commission E Monographs

Lily-of-the-valley herb

Convallariae herba
Published April 23, 1987; Revised February 1, 1990

Name of Drug

Convallariae herba, lily-of-the-valley herb.  

Composition of Drug

Lily-of-the-valley herb consists of the dried, above-ground parts of Convallaria majalis L.  [Fam.  Liliaceae], or closely related species, as well as their preparations in effective dosage.  The herb is harvested during flowering season.  The lily-of-the-valley contains cardioactive glycosides; the principal glycoside is convallotoxin.  


Mild cardiac insufficiency, heart insufficiency due to old age, chronic cor pulmonale.  


Therapy with digitalis glycosides, potassium deficiency.  

Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

Increased effectiveness and also side effects of simultaneously administered quinidine, calcium, saluretics, laxatives, and extended therapy with glucocorticoids.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Average daily dosage:

  • 0.6 g standardized lily-of-the-valley powder;
  • equivalent preparations.  

Mode of Administration

Comminuted herb, as well as galenical preparations thereof for internal use.  


Positive inotropic on the myocardium
Economizes heart performance
Lowers the elevated left-ventricular diastolic pressure, as well as
pathologically elevated venous pressure
Tonic for the veins