FWD 1 Commission E: Peruvian Balsam

  The Commission E Monographs

Peruvian Balsam

Balsamum peruvianum
Published September 18, 1986

Name of Drug

Balsamum peruvianum, Peruvian balsam, Balsam Peru.  

Composition of Drug

Peruvian balsam consists of the balsam generated from scorched tree stems of Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var.   pereira (Royle) Harms [Fam.  Fabaceae], as well as its preparations in effective dosage.  

Peruvian balsam contains 50 - 70 percent of an ester mixture composed mainly of benzyl esters of benzoic and cinnamic acid.  



  • for infected and poorly healing wounds, for burns, decubitus ulcers, frost bite, ulcus cruris, bruises caused by prostheses, hemorrhoids.  


Distinct allergic dispositions.  

Side Effects

Allergic skin reactions.  

Interactions with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

  • Galenical preparations containing 5 - 20 percent Peruvian balsam, for extensive surface application not more than 10 percent Peruvian balsam.  

Mode of Administration

Galenical preparations for external use.  

Duration of Administration

Not longer than one week.  


Promotion of granulation process
Antiparasitic (especially for scabies)