FWD 1 Commission E: Tolu Balsam

  The Commission E Monographs

Tolu Balsam

Balsamum tolutanum
Published September 18, 1986

Name of Drug

Balsamum tolutanum, tolu balsam, balsam tolu.  

Composition of Drug

Tolu balsam consists of the balsam generated from the slit tree trunks of Myroxylon balsamum (L.) var.   balsamum Harms (syn.   M.  balsamum var.   genuinum) (Baill.) (Harms) [Fam.  Fabaceae] as well as its preparations in effective dosage.  This balsam is purified by melting, straining, and solidifying.  

Tolu balsam contains benzoic and cinnamic acids, as well as their esters and essential oils.  


Catarrhs of the respiratory tract.  


None known.  

Side Effects

None known.  

Interaction with Other Drugs

None known.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

Average daily dosage:

  • 0.6 g of herb;
  • equivalent preparations.  

Mode of Administration

Preparations of tolu balsam for internal use.