FWD 1 Commission E: White Willow bark

  The Commission E Monographs

White Willow bark

Salicis cortex
Published May 12, 1984

Name of Drug

Salicis cortex, white willow bark.  

Composition of Drug

White willow bark consists of the bark of the young, 2- to 3-year-old branches harvested during early spring of Salix alba L., S.  purpurea L., S.  fragilis L.  and other comparable Salix species [Salicaceae], as well as their preparations in effective dosage.  The bark contains at least 1 percent total salicin derivatives, calculated as salicin (C13H18O7, MW 286.3) and related to the dried herb.  


Diseases accompanied by fever, rheumatic ailments, headaches.  


See Interactions with Other Drugs

Side Effects

See Interactions with Other Drugs

Interactions with Other Drugs

Because of white willow bark's active constituents, interactions like those encountered with salicylates may arise.  However, in reviewing the scientific literature available so far, there are no definite indications for this.  


Unless otherwise prescribed:

  • Average daily dosage corresponding to 60 - 120 mg total salicin.  

Mode of Administration

Liquid and solid preparations for internal use.  

Note:Combinations with diaphoretic drugs could be considered.  

