FWD 1 Commission E: Yeast, Brewer's/Hansen CBS 5926

  The Commission E Monographs

Yeast, Brewer's/Hansen CBS 5926

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926
Trokenhefe aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926
Published April 15, 1994

Constituents of Drug

Brewer's yeast from Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926 (syn.   S.  boulardii ) [Fam.  Saccharomycetaceae] and genetically identical strains in lyophilized form.  One gram of the lyophilisate contains 885 mg S.  cerevisiae Hansen CBS 5926 corresponding to 1 times 1010 viable organisms.  

Pharmacological Properties, Pharmacokinetetics, Toxicology

The effectiveness of brewer's yeast depends on the viability of the organism.  

Brewer's yeast can bind fimbriated, pathogenic bacteria.  In vitro, growth inhibition was demonstrated by co-culturing brewer's yeast with the following organisms: Proteus mirabilis and vulgaris , Salmonella typhi and typhimurium , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Staphyloccus aureus , Escherichia coli , certain Shigella and Candida albicans .  Concentration dependencies for growth inhibitions were not given.  Brewer's yeast can also inhibit the growth of Clostridium difficile , as well as the diarrhea-causing effect of enterotoxic strains of E.  coli .  On the isolated intestinal loop model, sodium and water influx into the intestinal lumen was induced by incubation with the toxin from the cholera vibrio; this reaction was reduced by 40 percent in the presence of brewer's yeast.  Intestinal preparations were also employed to show the reversal of the increased chloride transport induced by prostaglandins E2 and I2 in the presence of brewer's yeast as compared to untreated controls.  

An increase in the activity of the disaccharidases saccharidase, lactase, and maltase, which are located in the intestinal membrane, was observed in animal experiments, as well as in humans.  In animal experiments, the secretory immunoglobulin (sIgA) was increased in the gastrointestinal tract after oral intake of brewer's yeast.  

With a single oral dosage of 3 g/kg body weight of brewer's yeast, no toxic reactions were observed in mice and rats.  No substance-dependent changes were observed with a dosage of 330 mg/kg body weight over 6 weeks (6 days/week) given to dogs, and about 100 mg/kg body weight given daily over 6 months to rats and rabbits.  The Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium TA 90, TA 100, TA 1335, TA 1337, and TA 1338 revealed no mutagenic effects, with or without activation of SY-mix.  Experiments for embryocytic and carcinogenic effects are not available.  

Clinical Data


For symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea.  

For prophylactic and symptomatic treatment of diarrhea during travel and diarrhea occurring while tube feeding.  As an adjuvant for chronic forms of acne.  


Not to be used in case of yeast allergies.  

Warning:infants and small children are excluded from self-medication in any case.  

Side Effects

Oral intake may cause flatulence.  

In individual cases, intolerance (incompatibilities) may occur in the form of itching, urticaria, local or general exanthemas, and Quincke's edema.  

Special Precaution for Usage

In case of diarrhea, replacement of fluids and electrolytes is an important therapeutic measure, especially for children.  Diarrhea of infants and small children requires consultation with a physician.  

Diarrheas lasting longer than 2 days, containing blood, or accompanied by fever, require medical attention.  

If during therapy with brewer's yeast microbiological tests are performed on stool samples, the intake of yeast must be reported to the laboratory, since false positive results may be reported.  

Usage During Pregnancy and Lactation

No data available.  

Interaction with Other Drugs

The simultaneous intake of brewer's yeast and antimycotics can influence the activity of brewer's yeast.  

Warning:Simultaneous intake of MAO-inhibitors may cause increased blood pressure.  

Dosage and Mode of Administration

Unless otherwise prescribed:

Daily dosage (children older than 2 years/adults):
  • For prevention of travel diarrhea, beginning 5 days prior to journey: 250 - 500 mg daily.  

For therapy of diarrhea:

  • 250 - 500 mg daily.  

For diarrhea due to tube feeding:

  • add 500 mg brewer's yeast/liter of nutrient solution.  

Suggestion:The treatment should be continued for several days after diarrhea has ceased.  

For acne:

  • 750 mg daily.  

Mode of Administration

Lyophylisate in capsules for internal use as well as addition to tubal feed mixtures.  


None known.  

Special Warnings

None known.  

Effects on Operators of Vehicles and Machinery

None known.