FWD 2 Commission E: Zedoary rhizome

  The Commission E Monographs

Zedoary rhizome

Zedoariae rhizoma
Published July 6, 1988

Name of Drug

Zedoariae rhizoma, zedoary rhizome.  

Composition of Drug

Zedoary rhizome consists of the dried rhizome of Curcuma zedoaria (Christmann) Roscoe [Fam.  Zingiberaceae], as well as preparations thereof.  


Zedoary rhizome is used as a stomachic for digestive debility, colic and spasms.  

The effectiveness for the claimed applications is not documented.  


None known.  


Since the effectiveness for the claimed applications is not documented, a therapeutic use of this herb cannot be recommended.